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After recently sharing with you 20+ Awesome Light Effect and Abstract Photoshop Brushes, today we’re going to present, 24 of the best Photoshop Light Effects Tutorials out there. This is a chance to put your learning into action, and to use all those great brush sets to achieve professional results!
Create Powerball Effect for Movie Poster
Create Energy Lines Around a Dancer
Create 3-D text with some extreme lighting
Stunning 3D effects in 30 minutes
Fantastic Disintegration Effect inspired by Watchmen in Photoshop
Create a Simple Vibrant Light Effect in Photoshop
Striking Text Effect Using Glows and Blends
How to Create an Interplay of abstract light streaks
Create Beautiful Glowing Bubbles On Your Designs
Create a Realistic Outer Space Scene in Photoshop
Use Photoshop lighting effects to make photos sparkle
End of the World Photo Manipulation
Making of Fiery Planets Collision
Creating a Rocking Silhouette in Photoshop
Creating Energy Spheres in Photoshop
This post was written by Salmen Bejaoui ( MoukaDesign ) who is a tunisian young Web / Graphic designer living in italy. You can follow him on twitter @moukadesign and at his blog.
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
Nice roundup mate, I haven’t seen some of these articles (yet). When I have more time, I’ll make sure to try them: I really like light effects (who doesn’t?).
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Marco. I think a lot of these tutorials are actually lesser-seen ones, despite being really useful.
I used to think I could do good light effects but after seeing those I realize that I can’t. I’d love to know how to do all of those – could you put up tutorials?
I love the 3D text too!
Good work…
And hello from France
Just click on the image to go to the tutorial
Thanks for pointing that out Salmen. Great post btw1
Thank you so much
Wow! Thanks for includimg my tut! Really flattered
No problem Nikki
Thanks so much, Tom, for including my tutorials as well! Have a great weekend.
Amazing, absolutly amazing!
Cheers guys!
So cool !
Hey master Tom! nice roundup of tuts! it’s been a while I haven’t drop by your site.. everything is nice in here! so nice to check this site again! more from the master! rock on!
Useful list thanks :0
Useful list thanks
I love this effects, gonna learn a lot.
Thanks for both of you, Tom and Salmen.
Thanks for including some of my tutorials. These are some really great lighting effects!
Mikel: Welcome back mate, long time no see
T-Law/Lucas: No problem, it was a great effort from Salmen!
Tyler: Thanks for providing such great tuts
Nice roundup man, good stuff.
thank you for all
These are all really nice.
Lighting effects are something I really want to get good at in PS, especially after seeing all the art and tutorials from Abduzeedo.
wow.. cool compilation. I wish I have time to explore doing these lighting styles
[...] 20+ Super Professional Photoshop Light Effects Tutorials [...]
thanks ! these are really helpful !!
i was also pretty impressed by
u should check it out
Awesome tutorials!!! I cant wait to try them out! Thanks for writing them!
I love the tut its very nice specially the flying girl
good list,
using it every website will become really cool
if i am right here a webdesigner also has used this effect, i think the result is really super http://www.websitetemplates.bz/website-templates/dating-online-website-template_909.html
hey buddY! those are some awesome works you’ve shared. but y some of those won’t open? like glowing bubble effect?
well any way! thanks alot buddy!!
super like i really wanna do it but go some problem in editing so i want help from you
thank for writeing them i have learned lot of effect…..