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After recently posting 30 Clean and Bright Website Designs, I thought that websites with more washed out color palettes can also be beautiful. Therefore, I’ve compiled 20 beautiful web designs that utilize washed out color palettes.
With a lack of bold/bright colors it’s often harder to produce an attractive website. The duller tones must be perfectly balanced in order to produce a stunning end effect. I hope that you enjoy this roundup, and please let me know which kinds of web designs you prefer.
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
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Wow Nice list of website with washed out color palette. BlackMoonDesign is my favorite in this list.
Thanks for commenting Thomson. I really love BlackMoonDesign too, although my personal favorite would probably be: http://sketch.odopod.com/
A lot of these are beige and grey, but I used a ‘washed out’ scheme on my site with pastel rainbow colours. I would’ve liked to see more hints of colour in this round-up.
An interesting list, I think you should show how you would ‘sex’ them up !? awsome post.
really nice list you sharing. thanks
Thanks guys!
Oreana: I may do a pastel roundup soon, I really like the color scheme of your website.
Logo Bliss: Interesting idea, I’ll definitely consider something like that for my next web design tutorial.
Excellent list of designs with washed out color schemes. I really liked Lemorios, after all they are a design company!
Nice sites. Is this a new trend?
Though actually only odosketch is using washed-out color consequently. The others use it mostly for background pictures. Think my site is then also washed-out… is it?
Great collection of washed out / light website designs.
One for the bookmark so I can help draw inspiration.
I am very happy from your blog becoz it provide me a list of sites .
I was looking for such sites.
thank you very much.
Great list of inspirational sites! My fave goes to gardsbruk.no. Brilliant use of colours and whitespace!
Thanks for the feature! All tough I designed the gardsbruk site, odopod sketch has to be my favourite!
yeah loving the work! washed out pastel colours are really now, subtle and effective
Nice washed out websites! I like the odopod and Hull Digital Live, more illustration with wash out effect.
Great collection of inspirating washed out colour schemes, I especially like the One Chosen design.
Love the collection! Lemorios has a cleancut look which i like. Its my favourite.
http://mistyukevych.com/. this must be the 3rd or 4th site in the last 48 hrs that I have found that appears to have ripped off the theme of elliot jay stocks’ website. i dunno if he should be flattered or pissed off. in this case, it’s laughable. the designer doesn’t even bother to change the copy. does a blatant ripofff deserve to be showcased as it is here?
Hey Adam. I don’t really agree that it is a rip off of Elliot’s design, it’s a similar colour scheme, but has many differences.
really cool list! appreciate this
oh.. comfortable color
nice color .. very class ..thanks
Great collection of washed out / light website designs. I especially like the One Chosen design.
Some great inspiration here!
If this post is 27 months old, then the designs have stood the test of time.
The washed out effect still has a great effect for the main content area of a site, although across the entire page has dated.