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These days almost every designer seems to be using Twitter. Consequently some hugely creative Twitter-spin-off sites have cropped up – many with awesome logos!
What’s amazing is how popular the Twitter brand has become. Logo designers can really push the abstract nature of design to it’s limits, as the Twitter bird has become an instantly recognizable symbol, along with it’s signature light-blue color. The 30 logos below showcase the immense creativity of logo designers as they adapt the much-recognized Twitter brand to fit their respective websites and services.
Please let me know which are your favorites, which you don’t like so much, or perhaps just those that you think show the most imagination.
If you know of any other logos that should be on this list feel free to share them:
If those logos weren’t enough inspiration to get you started, I’ve compiled some great free resources, and Twitter inspiration for you:
100+ Remarkably Beautiful Twitter Icons and Buttons
400+ Beautiful Twitter Icons for your Website
Twitter Background Design How-To and Best Practices
13 Tutorials & Resources for a Perfect Twitter Background
22 Beautiful and Inspirational Twitter Theme Background Designs
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
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Great collection and good logos.
Haha. Some of these made me smile. Nice post!
Thanks for commenting guys. I’m with you Henry, a lot of these designs are really funny in a creative way.
Wow awesome work buddy!
I like the quitter one by far (very top)
These are so cute…bit miffed mines not there..lol
This article has been shared on favSHARE.net.
Some funny ones here, but I really like the one at twittwho.com
Who’d have thought the Twitter bird would become so versatile?? The Twitter surgery logo is slightly unsettling – what’s it for?
great collection of logos
Fabian: I’ve gone ahead and included your logo
Adam: Yeah I love how much designers are able to adapt it, yet still retain links to the original brand. The surgery logo isn’t actually in use, but is for sale I believe. The idea is that hospitals and medical organizations will all start using Twitter soon (some already do), and so this logo would be fitting for that.
got one here…
what a great collection for share to more inspiration, really nice
Yeah there has been a rise in people using the twitter like logo in there art. I must admit i love the idea, it’s so simplistic and yet so amazing. Great collection.
Thank you very much for adding mine Tom:D
So glad to find 2 of my logos made it here
i love twittercadabra out of this whole lot!
Thanks tom!!
Here’s another one:
I made it for a German tweet-up. You could translate “twittwoch” as “twednesday”.
really interesting and funny tweet concepts!
Cool twitter inspired designs. Thanks for sharing.
nice tweeters really funny need some more!!!
Thanks for the great suggestions of other logos guys. I’ll try and get them uploaded to this list later today.
The 8-Bit bird looks sweet!
Brilliant collection. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Can’t help but notice that the Ashton logo has a very similar concept to my own personal logo, which was also on LogoPond:
See also the fine twitter inspired logo http://wptweety.com
Hey…..a great collection and cute one too Twitter is everywhere
nice collection bro…
I impress your collection. please send more logo in this site.
hahaha , great collection.Some of these logos are pretty funny.
i think tweetcall is cute: http://www.tweetcall.com
Do Twitter and Blogs Really Drive Book sales?
Another interesting twitter inspired logo is Autotwitt
cool designs
the World Cup #TwitterTippingLeague logo: http://theplamen.blogspot.com/2010/06/blog-post_14.html
Nice collection….