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“Tilt-shift photography” refers to the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras, and sometimes specifically refers to the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene. Sometimes the term is used when the shallow depth of field is simulated with digital postprocessing; the name may derive from the tilt-shift lens normally required when the effect is produced optically.
“Tilt-shift” actually encompasses two different types of movements: rotation of the lens plane relative to the image plane, called tilt, and movement of the lens parallel to the image plane, called shift. Tilt is used to control the orientation of the plane of focus (PoF), and hence the part of an image that appears sharp; it makes use of the Scheimpflug principle. Shift is used to adjust the position of the subject in the image area without moving the camera back; this is often helpful in avoiding the convergence of parallel lines, as when photographing tall buildings.
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
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I am not convinced
Most of these look very much like they have had the effect applied in photoshop. It would be interesting to see a comparison collection of photos that have been taken with an actual tilt-shift lens.
Interesting effect none-the-less when not overdone.
This blog is fantastic, I love this effect. I recently came back from New York and edited all my photos in photoshop, and gave them a tilt-shift effect. They looked the BOMB-DIGGY! I felt like a giant in small town.
This is an awesome effect, great post.