PSDFan Extra

30 Minute Redesign: My Glob

Week 46: My Glob

This week I will be redesigning: My Glob.

In the space of 5 minutes I can identify some of the key strengths and weaknesses of this design, and sketch out a mockup.


  • Despite the background being distracting, it’s pretty engaging and cool to look at.
  • The layout is conventional, which means it’s fairly easy to navigate. All of the layout elements (header, footer, sidebar etc…) are done conventionally.
  • On the whole the typography is clear and legible (particularly in the blog post areas).


  • You can’t tell what the site is about. This was my main concern with this website. I had to go reading through their blog posts in order to understand the site fully. There is no slogan, relevant imagery or anything of the sort.
  • The menu text and logo text are really hard to read. They should be bolder/clearer.
  • There is no variation in the post thumbnails. These should tell you more about each post, rather than be used as a filler.
  • Whilst the posts are the main focus, and this is a good thing, the sidebar feels a little obsolete. Either scrap it or integrate something worthwhile.

My Redesign

As always, I was limited by the 30 minute time-frame, but I tried to improve upon several of My Glob’s features, adding a few design flourishes and a clearer layout that promoted content over wasted space:


  • I maintained the general visuals/style in order to keep continuity for their audience. However, I upgraded the paint splatters to something more cool/3D. I also integrated visual elements more relevant to the technology theme for the site.
  • I made the logo and menu text far easier to read, making it bolder/clearer.
  • I added ‘popular posts’ to the sidebar, which should help increase your page views and introduce people to more of your content.
  • I introduced a clearer menu bar, making the site navigation/search features more accessible.


Here is a quick comparison between the original design and my 30 minute redesign. Sure, my design could be more polished, but I believe that a lot of the basic elements have been improved upon, creating a more pleasant browsing experience.

How and Why To Enter Redesign Saturdays

You can have the chance to have your website redesigned in next weeks post. All you need to do is leave a comment to this post with your website address and why you think it needs a redesign.

The Benefits of Getting Your Site Redesigned Include:

  • Most obviously – a FREE redesign job!
  • Your website gets exposure to PSDFAN’s thousands of readers
  • You understand how to improve your website. This isn’t just a redesign, it’s a lesson in design principles.
  • You will get emailed the .psd of your redesign and can do whatever you want with it!

NOTE: I can only accept sites with English content, as foreign language websites are simply too hard for me to work with.

So please, leave a comment today for a chance to have your website redesigned next week!

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Deborah says:

    This is a fabulous design! It’s beautiful, better organized and keeps the integrity of what the first designed site was trying for.

  2. Gigi ? says:

    Your “my glob” redesign is more professional and stylized!
    What do you think about my site?

  3. Drawde says:

    Dear god, the background is a lot worse than the original. The only improvement I can see is the nav bar and the logo. I hope I don’t come off as mean, just constructive criticism.

    • Tom says:

      Hey Drawde. Totally fine, that’s the whole point of these posts! Tbh I did struggle with this redesign, particularly within the time limit. Usually I would have more time to refine the background and make it less clashing, but it took some time to achieve the 3D paint splatter effect. I hope that you’ll continue to read the redesign series.

      • Stuart says:

        @Tom… the 3D paint splatter effect is superb, I am amazed at what can be achieved in 30 minutes by a professional designer :-)

        The overall look of your redesigned glob is a lot more appealing to me because it now has some depth to it, obviously this feel is created with the use of your ’3D’ paint splattering, very nice job.

  4. Thats nice tom, btw let me re entering your next week poll :)

  5. Paulina says:

    Hi Tom!!

    I love your designs and always I read them trying to learn more.Thanks as well for the daily emails with tutorials. Is just so helpful.

    I would love to be part of this and try to get a redesign for our website. This is a Gap Year non-profit organisation to go to Chile and help the local community and specially work with children teaching them English. Our website needs a lot of help for what I see, It’s not interesting and it’s lots to read as well and I think when people see the website is just not attractive.

    As you see as well, our logo is mmm just not saying anything. Well, that’s what I think. I hope we can be part of this,get your help and redesign our website.

    Thanks you!


  6. Kara says:

    The redesign looks like a template. Sorry duder, but this wasn’t a great redesign. The other one had definite transparency issues that caused hierarchy problems, but it was visually unique. All it really needed was a strong logo, and navigation. Their typography was better, too.

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