PSDFan Extra

35 Unbelievable Smoke-Themed Designs and Tutorials

Smoke is often used in Photoshop work, as it’s fluid form, and striking appearance when combined with light and other design elements can create some truly impressive results.

I’ve hand selected 30 of my favorite pieces of design that make use of smoke, as well as 5 useful tutorials to help you integrate smoke into your own designs.


Smoke Man

Smoke Close Up

Smoke Scream

The Smoke

The Punishment of an Angel

Smoke Horse

Smoke Soldier


Smoke Bird


Light of the Shadows

Smoke Study

The Oracle

ID 09



No Smoking Under Water


Torched Silk

Voodoo Skull

Disolviendose en el Tiempo


Unattended Cigarette

Smokey View


Cries of Slaughtered


Dead From Smoking




Create Smokey Typography in 12 Steps

Create a Fiery Face Explosion

Smoke Type in Photoshop in 10 Steps

Creating a Smoke Fading Effect

Creating a Stunning Digital Smoke Effect

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Great Collection, i love smoke in designs at the minute.

  2. Beautiful showcase – I just love these smoke designs..and I like You also added several tutorials to get hands dirty right after getting inspired :)

  3. Phaoloo says:

    Smoke makes things more charming, thanks for nice showcases.

  4. Casper says:

    i really love these of all smoky effects, i really want to make in my own designs too.

    by: Casper

  5. These are great! I love the coffee mug with the city created in steam

  6. Tom says:

    Thanks guys! I hope that you’ll all get to try out some of these awesome effects.

  7. Those were great, especially liked aroma looks like something you’d see in a coffee print ad for starbucks or something with the subline “Taste the City” (patent pending all you ad execs) ;)

    • Tom says:

      Haha I’m liking that tagline ;) . Some of these might be a little dark for a Starbucks ad, but I think the mug+smoke image would be pretty fitting :) .

  8. Helran says:

    Great specially voodo skull or smoke scream.

  9. Rahul says:

    This is a smokin’ hot post. Nice smokey effects.

  10. lawrence77 says:

    Wow, cute inspiration………

  11. favSHARE says:

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  12. Arun says:

    Great Collection, but i dont love smoke in designs at the minute.

  13. Adam says:

    The Voodoo Skull print is very impressive. Great list! I’m gonna give that last tutorial a go.

  14. mud says:

    where can i get the Tutorial

  15. Very nice selection of some awesome work.

  16. soheil aminzadeh says:

    so nice …. tanx 4 best selection designs

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