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Whilst many websites opt for the bright and bold approach, many others favor a dark, stylish color palette. The darker web design style can lead to some really stylish results, bringing out the atmosphere/mood of the content far more than a plain white background.
We’ve compiled 40 Dark and Stylish Website Designs to help inspire you in your daily designing! Enjoy!
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
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Expectet some really “dark” designs which havent such an friendly and cosy touch. Would like to see an best of of them (:
Anway a good choice.
very elegant website, black is so the new neat thingy
Hi Buddy!!!
Why always the white like black.. i think + & – ve concept in designs too.. meet again.
Dark themes on a website looks great, stands out when small amount of white or light colour is applied to the site, could we have a post for colorful sites as well? great post Tom very inspirational.
Looking good, great list!
i love black theme too.
would like to share mine http://www.dgzoo.com
As a webdesigner I mostly use light backgrounds.
Inspired by blogposts like these, I recently designed http://www.cavens.be (a wine merchant). I’m quite satisfied with the result, the dark design gives the impression of being at a wine cellar.
[...] recently posting 40 Dark and Stylish Website Designs, one of our regular community members Vim requested a post showcasing colorful website [...]
good web designer!
the grunge effect backgrounds are really nice and cool…
Capricon design was awesome and dodge is pretty stylish… very professional
I really like dark themes used on websites as other colours stand out more. Most of the sites I design tend to be dark and this post gives me some new inspiration. Thanks.
Black is the new Red, i totally agree!!
Website with dark fonts and designs gain attention rapidly and grab the attention of a person. Thanks for showing a variety of web designs. Thhats really impressive.
Personally I build most of my client’s sites with a white background, however viewing some of these eye catching designs has made me reconsider that approach. I particularly like the color scheme of Breezi’s Website.
does anyone has a good list of white background? just curious
Wow nice collection… These designs are mind blowing and cool