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An Exploration of Modern Typography

An Exploration of Modern Typography

I’ve always been a huge fan of experimental typography, as the most talented artists can produce some really unique results.

Today we look at some great examples of modern typography, as well as some useful resources and tutorials to help you create your own epic typography. Enjoy!

‘Typography’ (College Work) by Fabianohikaru

I really love this piece of college artwork. It seems to combine elements of retro typography with the typographic conventions of newspapers and other printed media.

‘Typography’ by DamagedInnocence

This ironic piece really made me laugh. Despite it’s funny subject matter, the bold black/red combo is very effective, as well as the font distinction on the word ‘VOMIT’. It’s amazing how much a simplistic outline can portray.

‘Typography’ by Rachel-Speed

This piece is constructed from typographic spelling blocks. The fact that it’s a photo and not a digital artwork makes it seem a lot more detailed and grainy. The fact that different words are spelt out means that the viewers eye darts around the piece, making connections between the letters.

‘Remember Typography’ by Qa9ed2000

This work is really beautiful. The use of typography is very subtle, loosely using letter shapes to construct an abstract artwork. The combination of photos, vector artwork and beautiful colors accentuates the typographic element.

‘Experimental Typography Candy’ by Crymz

I love typography that constructs letters and fonts from objects. This is a great example of this medium, as the artist uses various pieces of candy to construct a colorful, unique font. This typography is a lot of funny, and looks delicious too!

‘Typography’ by E-Emoo

This piece is another great example of an object being constructed from typography. This umbrella design is really interesting as it uses different colored letters to construct a patterned design, within an overall grungy composition.

‘Typography’ by PhilosDesign

This is an extremely grungy typographic piece. The letters are distorted and faded into the rough background, and the author also utilizes gradients and patterns to combine for an impressive final result.

‘Typography Plate: Cronies’ by MutatedMILKFISH

This adorable font constructs letters out of cute cartoon characters. Each letter has clearly been uniquely constructed, and it’s interesting to see how the eye darts between character and letter. Despite the detail of the characters, the letters are still easily distinguishable.

‘Typography Plate: Cronies’ by MutatedMILKFISH

This simplistic poster design mimics an eye test graph. It’s interesting to see how due to this convention the eye follows the letters down, grouping them into identifiable words. This poster demonstrates how spacing, font choice etc are all crucial to a successful work.

‘Death by Typography’ by GCORE

This piece constructs a gun shape from various letters. What’s interesting is how simply by the spacing of letters the artist has made the gun a very solid object, whereas the ‘bang’ letters are more sporadic, signifying the blast of the gun and the noise associated with it.

‘Prestige Typography – 3′ by Bella-Elizabetta

This piece is hugely detailed, and combined a vast variety of fonts for a great outcome. The sheer overlapping of fonts and styles creates a very rich piece, and the integration of subtle background details and vector designs is effective.

‘Prestige Typography – 3′ by Bella-Elizabetta

This piece is a little messy, but I love the overall concept. The idea of scattered facial photographic elements over a range of 3d letters is really interesting. The dark clouded background is very emotive and moody, adding to the composition.

‘Typography’ by Its-Meeee

I love 3d typography, and this piece is no different! The layered text effect is awesome, and the addition of lighting effects in Photoshop adds a lot of impact to the image.

‘Made Good Typography’ by Clideone

This piece is very messy, yet the composition is interesting. The messy of letters near the top of the work simplify down to a clear message at the base of the image. The simplistic 3-color combination is bold and clear.

‘Typography Lover’ by Shadowtuga

This piece uses many aspects of retro futurism, combined with very bold, large headline text. The combination of textures and subtle gradients is very impressive, and the overall design has a lot of impact.

‘Typography With Helvetica’ by Sarakhanoom

This work is muted in terms of color, yet the expert 3d text is inspiring. The way that the artist has stacked letters on top of one another makes the word feel very real, and it jumps out at us. Subtle additions of brushes and swirls add extra detail to this piece.

‘Experimental Typography 2′ by Aariman

This work looks digital, but has a very real quality to it. The photographic setting adds a huge amount of light and context to the stacked letters. Despite their unconventional ordering the word ‘typography’ still reads clearly.

‘Typography’ by Volture

This work is very abstract. The word ‘type’ is obscured by a series of lighting effects and swirly designs. However, the overall composition is stunning, particularly due to it’s contrast with the black backdrop.

‘Wooden Typography’ by LostSoulx44

This is a great example of non-digital typography. This wooden construction is very intricate, but has a very natural feel to it.

‘I Love Typography’ by MindCollision

This piece really uses contrast to make an impact. The bold pink text against the dark background is really impactful. The 3d element to this typography makes it appear to be a post-it note against a blackboard. This is helped by the heart/arrow doodle.

Create Your Own Typography

If you’re interested in creating your own stunning typography you can most likely benefit from the following awesome tutorials:

Create an Extruded Glossy 3D Text Effect in Photoshop

People love 3D effects. They also love the look of shiny, glossy, graphics as well. Today, we will combine those two popular styles and create an extruded 3D glossy text effect in Photoshop.

Create Astonishing Nightclub Themed 3D Typography

3D graphics are often created using several applications. Today, we will use Photoshop, Illustrator, and Cinema 4D to create a stunning nightclub themed 3D composite.

Quickly and Easily Recreate a Popular Inked Typographical Style

Learn how to recreate a hugely popular style of distressed text in a few simple to follow steps. Following this technique anyone can create hugely professional looking typography for their graphic projects!

Create a Quick, Neat Text Effect in CS5

Learn how to create a quick and easy text effect in CS5, whereby you work with wireframes to create a unique grungy outline/3d effect.

Create a Quick, Neat Text Effect in CS5

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this Zebra Patterned Crimson Text Effect in Photoshop.

Create a Quick, Neat Text Effect in CS5

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Create Awesome Splashing Water Text Effect in Photoshop.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. I am a real fan of typography, it has a lot more to offer than people think and can some really beautiful and clever work as shown here. It is not always about the words that the type can spell out but also the shapes and negative spaces that are visible to make a complete image.

  2. HD Guy says:

    Wow, great article about typography, bookmarked it!

  3. NewGadgetz says:

    Wonderful tutorials and typography examples. Many thanks

  4. Awesome collection of tutorials and inspiration!!! Looking forward to trying some of the tuts out!!


  5. What a great post! Very instructive analysis

  6. topper says:

    Great post ! This is a brilliant collection of great examples of typography. Thanks.

  7. Some really great examples of typography in this collection. I like how they’ve used typography to create words and shapes to complete the image.

    I will definitely be trying out some of these tutorials as well.

  8. Grace Coote a.k.a mindCollision says:

    Hi there, didn’t realize you had featured one of my works here, thank you very much! Great selection and I’ll definitely have to check out some of those tutorials myself :D

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