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Great news! PSDFAN is hosting it’s first (of many to come) contests. This time we’re giving away a great choice of design-related products courtesy of our sponsor.
The Prize Is:
3 Non-Exclusive logos of your choice from LogoMaid.com OR
3 Products of your choice from DesignLoad.com OR
3 Products of your choice from ProCartoons.com.
All you have to do to win is leave a comment to this post, explaining what you’ll do with the prize, or why you want to win. I’ll select a winner on December 1st based on what I think is the best answer, and then distribute the prizes.
***UPDATE***: We are now planning on selected 3 winners for this contest, as the prize fund has been increased. That means that 3 people will be selected to win 3 products of their choice.
It couldn’t be easier for you, and the available prizes are really awesome.
Start leaving those comments folks!
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
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woot! I would like to use the logo for my new site http://www.railizeme.com
Im doin a website for my moms sister but really dont have the skills to design a nice layout (kinda lazy too). If I win 3 products from DesignLoad it would be awesome
Thanks for a good site. I check it everyday though Im bad at comment your articles. I’ll have to change that!
Keep up the good work! Greets from Sweden
What an awesome contest and great prizes!! Your blog is awesome!
I am in the process on getting my photography business off the ground and would use the prize to either make a killer logo, or get a better design/layout for my website and my blog.
My fingers are now crossed!
Cool! I haven’t recently got any ideas on logos, so it’d be very useful. Of course if I’d win.
Hey guys!
. A club without a homepage is like a club without a name, so I’d like to construct a marvellous web-appear.
I would use the prize to enable my brother a good start in his “event-career”
Greetings from Austria,
I would use the illustration to help brand the blog I am starting (DiggerDesignLabs.com). It is a blog to describe my development and design experiments, and the process I use in implementing new features and improving accessibility. I think an illustrated character can help set the tone, and help differentiate it from my product’s website.
gr8…. I love contests….
wpuld surely like a cartoon mascot for my upcoming site….
I like designload’s templates. I could see these coming in handy on some of those low budget projects that come through the door. These template could really speed up the build time.
Keep on Rockin in the Free World.
Well, I’d like to thank the team behind all these kind stuff. I like the daily inspirations and the marvelous tutorials they offer.
Back to the contest, I hope to be one of the lucky winners of this contest.
Here is how I’d use the prizes if I win the contest:
1. LogoMaid.com: I’d use it to brand my upcoming site (gunnerpress.com) with incredibly stunning logo.
2. DesignLoad.com: I’d dress my upcoming site with one of those crazy templates.
3. ProCartoons.com: I use WordPress for my sites. I don’t like the default images for commentators who don’t have gravatars, so I’d use these cartoons as avatars…
Thanks again for all the nice things you share.
very happy to see d contests in ur site.. hope tat u ll continue to provide tis kinda offer to ur readers..
Have not got my own website yet but plan to remedy this in the new year. This prize would be a great boost for me if I was lucky enough to win.
These prizes are fantastic! Very beneficial for the new business owner.
Much appreciated!
Holli B
Recently I was lucky enough to get Adobe CS4 design Suite, so I decided to finally buckle up and finish my portfolio, my deadline is Jan 1st 09 and the site will be http://www.cacerescreative.com
And as far as content for my portfolio I’ve had no problem putting it together, but when it came time for me to design my own logo I’m having a major design block, this would help me tremendously to actually finishing my site and really hitting my goal, also I am lucky enough to be an adjunct faculty member at Triton College in Chicago were I teach Advanced Illustrator Design, and I always refer your site to teachers and students, they love it.
Thanks for the opportunity.
[...] You may have seen our recent contest here, offering up to $90 of designer products just for leaving a comment to this post. [...]
I’d use the illustration to get a full animated version of myself because that’s just awesome. Cartoons can pretty much do anything and so can I … hehe, almost.
Because I was born with orthopedic cerebral palsy, my life experience is such that I have had to learn how to leverage the power and scope of the Internet to accomplish tasks that would be physically more difficult otherwise — including socializing with others. Since my mobility is limited, to a degree, I have wanted to design a Web site of my own, so that I can have a publicly creative outlet in the form of a blog, or online journal. Being fortunate enough to be awarded one of the aforementioned prizes would be wholeheartedly used to realize my goal.
Good stuff, may the best one win
To make my previous post clearer:
Because I was born with orthopedic cerebral palsy, my life experience is such that I have had to learn how to leverage the power and scope of the Internet to accomplish tasks that would be physically more difficult otherwise — including socializing with others. Since my mobility is limited, to a degree, I have wanted to design a Web site of my own, so that I can have a publicly creative outlet in the form of a blog, or online journal. Being fortunate enough to be awarded one of the aforementioned prizes, [it] would be wholeheartedly used to realize my goal.
This stuff is unmissable for a decent web/graphic designer
I want that!
Ok, you convinced me to leave a comment. I would use the prize to improve a website I’m working on. It’s a project I don’t intend to make any money from, but wil take a lot of time to build and maintain.
This contest is a nice introduction of page PSDFAN for me
I found here lot of great tutorials and resources.
I am junior webdesigner, so If I win, I use them for a new web pages. If not – it’s good inspiration.
Thanks, PSDFAN
I hope to get the prize, thanks for doing a contest like this, good luck to everyone!
I recently quit my job as a web designer to kickstart my freelance career, and a great logo to go along with my business would be awesome! I do mainly HTML/CSS/JS and PSD to XHTML conversion, so logo design is not really my forte.
nice contest=)your really doing well Tom.=)count me in
Hoping… hoping… hoping!!!!
Thanks, and good luck everyone!!!!
I’d like to win Design Load’s solutions to give my office a more professional and reliable look.
i would like to win then i will ask PSDFAN to replace the prize by an exclusive lesson from the sponsor
about how to can i make a nice logo , template or a cartooned character
I would rediscover the artist in me now that the kids are leaving the nest to fly on their own wings,the images are exhilarating beyond my words to express the beauty i see and imagine.
[...] of you may remember that PSDFAN recently posted it’s first contest ever almost 2 weeks ago. We were offering up to $90 of designer related products (of the winners [...]