PSDFan Extra

Daily Image Inspiration #32 (+Weekend Lineup)

This Weekend at PSDFAN

I know that this weeks been a little slower than usual in terms of tutorials, and the reason being that I’ve had this huge university essay hanging over my head. However, I just handed it in about an hour ago, and so you can look forward to a great weekend, full of awesome content! Unfortunately you’ll most likely have to wait until tomorrow for a tutorial, as I’m currently half-dead from exhaustion and am not in the writing mood today. In true form I pulled an all nighter to get this thing done, and feel HORRIBLE because of it. But anyway, there will be at least 1 tutorial this weekend, possibly two, and come next Friday I’ll be able to start posting much more regularly (xmas break!).

The Daily Roundup

Anyway, enough of my tired ranting – on with the inspiring designs!

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. MikeL_zO says:

    Master Tom! hope you can post a tutorial like Dave Hill’s effects on his pictures. Totally cool set of pics on his site! I’m looking forward master tom. Thanks! Rock on!

  2. inspiring – the third photo wit girl is my favorite!

  3. Tom says:

    Thanks guys.

    Mikel: Which image is by Dave Hill?

  4. MikeL_zO says:
    all the pictures have the same effects and it’s totally cool!
    does he use photoshop? if possible, can you post a tut just like Dave Hill’s effects, Master Tom?

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