PSDFan Extra

Featured Artist: Josip Kelava

Featured Artist: Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava is a wonderful digital artist from Australia. His work is primarily typography based, and he used his skills with type to produce some stunning custom typefaces and beautiful client works.

His work is bold, eye catching and insightful. Many of his typographic projects go beyond merely creating a custom font and really evoke an emotional response from the user. Josip has worked with many high profile clients who value his typographic input and unique design style.

I recommend that you go and check out Josip’s full portfolio as he has plenty more great work to offer.


Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Metropolis 1920

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Heroes and Villains

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Geomas Type

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Stack Snowboards

Josip Kelava

The Red Thread

Josip Kelava

Bruno Coffee

Josip Kelava

Josip Kelava

Christmas Poster

Josip Kelava

Wah Wah Lounge

Josip Kelava


Josip Kelava

Where to Find Josip Kelava on the Web:

If you’d like to explore more of Josip Kelava’s work then you can check out his various online hangouts:

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Eric Vasquez says:

    Very nice work Josip! Really great typography also!

  2. Eric Vasquez says:

    Thanks Tom! All is well on my end – I’ve got some new work on the way soon!

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