PSDFan Extra

BLOGS.FanExtra – Coming Soon

The FanExtra Network is Expanding

We’re really excited to announce that the FanExtra network is expanding. We’ve got a host of great network blogs planned out. The first site to join PSD.FanExtra will be Blogs.FanExtra.

What Will Blogs.FanExtra Provide?

Blogs.FanExtra will cover all aspects of blogging, by providing high quality articles, reviews, interviews and resources. We’ve noticed a real gap in the blogging market for in depth, open, honest articles. Far too many blogging related articles are vague, or impractical. We aim to bring you valuable, applicable tips to help improve your blogging efforts. This will include:

  • Real life case-studies: Don’t just gloss over impractical theories, see how actual blogs are achieving success.
  • Detailed articles: We’re tired of seeing ’5 ways to blog well’ style articles. Sure, list articles can be useful, but they’re often too vague. We’re going to get right down to the nitty gritty, and piece apart the specific details behind blogging strategies.
  • Freebies/Resources: Who doesn’t love quality resources? We’ll be providing lots of them on a regular basis!

Free 7 Day Blogging Course

To help celebrate the launch of Blogs.FanExtra we’ll be releasing a FREE 7 day blogging course. We’re hoping that this will be really helpful to a lot of people. The 7 day course will walk you through how to build up a successful blog, providing some great tips and techniques that we’ve discovered over the past few years blogging.

You can go and sign up today to be notified of the launch, and receive our 7 day blogging course*

*You will receive the blogging course when we launch Blogs.FanExtra.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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