PSDFan Extra

Coming Soon:

Big News for Bloggers

If you’ve been following me on Twitter then you may have seen me drop a few hints about a ‘massive secret project’ that I’ve been working on.

Well today you guys are the first to get a sneak preview of what it’s all about. I’m afraid I still can’t give too much away about the project, aside from the domain name, and vague concept. However, I’ll be posting more details here soon, as the private beta test date approaches.

So without further ado here’s a first look at

Yes… I know it’s just a subscription form right now, but some of you may be able to guess certain things about the service from the page.

I’ve noticed in the blogging, and more specifically design communities that many comments are left, but that most of these go to a few large blogs. However, those leaving the comments often run awesome blogs that are simply neglected by commenters due to their size. These are the people driving these communities, the ones who are spending their time and effort giving feedback on other’s posts. Despite this, their own blogs will often show the depressing count of ‘(0 Comments)’, or at best a couple.

CommentBoost aims to tear down these imbalances, and give the average blogger the quality comments that they deserve. Again, I can’t go into the specifics of the service just yet, but it should work out that for each comment left by a member they receive approximately one comment back on their own blog. This is big news for those active commenters leaving 10-20+ comments each day.

I’ll post more information and screenshots of the service soon, but for now why not go:

Subscribe to be Notified of our Official Launch!

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Nokadota says:

    Yeah, I saw this on Twitter and I must admit, it is quite cryptic. I like the concept behind it thoug, so I’ll sign up for updates.

    • Tom says:

      Yeah, I feel bad about being so vague for now, but like I said I’ll post more info and actually screen grabs of the service soon. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in the private beta (should launch March 20th). I’m really excited about this project :) .

  2. Jaswinder says:

    Cool idea i like the idea of spreading the love so that all designers feel appreciated! I signed up and cant wait!

    • Tom says:

      Yeah, I’m really keen to try and give something back to the design community. Plus I know how much I appreciate comments, so hopefully others will too.

  3. Ben G says:

    Very nice, I dig the concept!

    • Tom says:

      Thanks Ben! There’s actually a lot of great features and extra parts to the concept that I have yet to reveal, but I’m glad you like the overall idea :)

  4. MDiogo says:

    Signed up. Can’t wait to see this working.

  5. Tom says:

    Thanks MDiogo! I’m so keen to get it launched, I have BIG plans for this site.

  6. Johnson Koh says:

    Great concept there :D Looking forward to it.

  7. Tom says:

    Cheers Johnson, the next stage should be posted soon!

  8. Binyamin says:

    “10-20+ comments each day” will see…

  9. Shane Hudson says:

    I would be amazed if this works the way you say.. but lets hope it does!! Good luck.

  10. Nick says:

    Good idea. Hope to see it when it’s in BETA or out in full. :)

  11. Tom says:

    Thanks Nick! Great to have you on board the beta.

  12. [...] Today the CommentBoost private beta finally went live! You may remember me posting about it just over a month ago. [...]

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