PSDFan Extra

I’m Back Online

So… Close…

Hi everyone. Just a very quick update about what’s been going on with PSDFAN. I know that things have lain a little dormant here over the Christmas/New Year period, and this is mainly because I’ve had no internet at my house. You can’t imagine how difficult it is trying to manage a website with no internet access!

Thankfully I’m finally back online (5 minutes ago). To keep things brief:

The PSDFAN relaunch is still coming.
It’s VERY close to being ready, with the last stages of development being finished up currently.
I’m still planning on writing a truck-load of quality tutorials, but feel like I need to get this relaunch done first, as I’m so busy right now.

So thankyou for your continued patience, and please keep checking back as the new and improved PSDFAN will soon be available for you all.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. RUGRLN says:

    Yipeee! Dam Xmas without Internet bummer…how did you manage the site?!

  2. Nokadota says:

    That sounds grat man, can’t wait for more tutorials!

  3. Tom says:

    Thanks guys. I haven’t really been able to manage the site at all, but any stuff I have got done is by using my friends internet for about 30 mins each day :( . I’m really keen to get the site going full steam again, but between having no internet over christmas and now heading into university exams things have been impacted. Luckily the relaunch should hopefully coincide with the end of the exam period (next friday) and then I’ll have loads of time for focusing on PSDFAN. Thanks again for the ongoing support and patience!

  4. Matthew says:

    what are you studying at uni?

  5. Qbrushes says:

    Great to hear you’re back :)

  6. Tom says:

    Matthew: I’m studying English

    QBrushes: Great to be back :) Thanks for the support!

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