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The Ultimate Collection Of Photoshop Actions To Spice Up Your Photos

The Ultimate Collection Of Photoshop Actions To Spice Up Your Photos

Photoshop actions are an incredibly useful aspect of Photoshop that can save you a lot of time, and provide some truly remarkable results. Photoshop actions simply make some (essential) transformations to a digital file without any effort from your side, by this, saving very good amounts of artist’s time. In the following round-up, we have carefully hand-picked some nice, and totally time-saving Photoshop actions which will really help you spice your photographs!

Photoshop Action/ Set 2

A stylish action that grants your pics a new and fresh look.

Hard Light Action

An awesome action that will give you the possibility to enlight your favourite creation.

Dreamy Light Action

Create a mystical, dreamy atmosphere by using this amazing action, giving your pic a new mood.

Color Action

Using this action will add more colour to your composition, giving the object a feeling of life.

Old Black in White Action

Make an old-looking photo together with this simple and cool-looking tool.

PS Action Set

A set of 3 great actions that work with Photoshop version 7 and higher.

Infra Red Effect Look

A great action to achieve the IR effect look, granting your pics a new appearance.

Photo Coloring VII

Give your pic a more cool look using this awesome coloring action

Sepia Actions

Create a melancholic look for your creations using this amazing sepia action!

Variety Pack Actions

Make your photos more emotive and impactful using these marvelous actions.

HDR Fake Action

Give your photos an authentic looking HDR effect using just one action!

Bright Eyes Photoshop Action

Add a special feeling and make your eyes beautiful together with this cool action.

Photoshop Actions Pack

Using this action will alow you to place your creation in different views, creating a special atmosphere.

Photoshop Actions 15

Improve your pics by using this awesome and simple action!

Large Photoshop Actions Set

A huge set of actions, totaling 40 stunning photo actions. You should be able to achieve a wide range of looks for your photos using this set.

Black&White/Sepia Actions

With a serious and important look, this awesome action is worth using in special compositions.

Gum Bichromate

A great way to create an old looking composition with a very awesome atmosphere and feeling.

Photo Coloring II Set

Change the colors in your composition in a nice and pleasant way using this simple action.

Clouds Effects

Improve the sky’s look with just a simple usage of this cool action!

Powerful Colors

Play with the colors that are around you to make an interesting and nice composition.

Pack Actions

Make your photos more stylish and cool-looking by simply using this nice action.

Cool Photo Effect Action

An action that adds more feeling to your pics and grants them a special look.

Light Print Action

An amazing action that grants an old and nice look to your cool photos.

Photoshop Action Diabolic

Add more feeling and passion to your photos using this simple and cool action.

Photoshop Action Set

Create an awesome looking picture using different styles granted by this awesome action set!

Red Lips Action

A great tool that preserves only the most important color, creating a special atmosphere.

Portrait Action

Add a lot of small and cool details using this action that is great for portraits!

Stick It Action

A different action that grants an unusual look and a cool color combination.

Action Set

Make the picture’s look nice colored and awesome with this simple tool.

Intense PS Actions Set

Powerful and interesting, this action gives the pic an amazing look.

Photoshop Actions Set

A funny action great for transforming regular people into cartoon characters!

300 Actions Set

An action that helps you capture the famous graphical style of the movie 300. Super professional looking!

Photoshop Color Actions

A great set of actions that may come in handy in different situations.

About the Author:

Stelian is a design enthusiast from Republic of Moldova. Right now he is working on his new design-related blog called Rocket Graphics. Visit RocketGraphsor follow his twitter account @rocketgraphs.

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1 Comment:

  1. kalabilla says:

    wow great pictures i love it

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