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We Review: Next Day Flyers

[Whilst the following is a paid review, my opinions are totally honest/unbiased, and I will only ever review sites/services that I feel are useful to our audience]

With such a diversity of printing websites available today it can be hard to stand out. However, NextDayFlyers remains one of the most innovative and well respected printing companies. They’ve endured the industry and have emerged as one of the forerunners in online printing services.

As their name might suggest, Next Day Flyers are known for their speed and reliability, offering some of the fastest turnaround times in the industry. In fact, if you order by 6PM it’s guaranteed that your order will be shipped the very next day! This is just one reason why they now hold over 100,000 customers nationwide.

There’s actually a lot I like about their service, so it may be a struggle to cover everything today. However, I’ll try and share some great features of their business and my favorite aspects of their website.

Huge Product Range

Next Day Flyers offer a huge product range, from the standard items such as business cards and flyers to more obscure items such as magnets, tickets, menus and calendar printing. Most items have a variety of sizes and styles available.

If you click on ‘First Time Here’ on their homepage you’re taken to the ‘getting started guide’, which makes it incredibly easy to browse through their product line and reach the order section. The entire product selection process is done using AJAX, and so doesn’t involve loading subsequent pages. If you simply click on the product you’re interested in, the various product options automatically pop up in the second column, from which you can proceed to order.

You can see how this process takes just seconds if you follow my order process below:

Online Design Center, Complete With Pre-Made Templates

A very handy addition to their website is their Online Design Center. If you don’t have the Photoshop skills to produce your ideal product it’s easy using their stripped down design center. You can import images, crop, resize, work with layers, styles, text and more! Think of it like a very basic version of Photoshop that helps get your designs print ready. Each design space is even fitted with print guides to help you take into account bleeds and borders.

Best of all, if you really have no idea what you’re doing they have a wide selection of pre-made templates, which you can edit to fit your needs. Check out one of their photography business card templates below in the design center working space:

Full of Information and Helpful Guides

If like me you’re not that experienced with the world of printing, Next Day Flyers offer in depth guides to assist beginners. With their help you’re able to help them produce the highest quality results. What I found most useful was that their instruction guides are provided for a range of different software. They’re super easy to use and talk you through the process of preparing you files in a straight forward step by step manner.

Once you’ve gotten to grips with preparing your files, they offer templates for every product at every size available to order. This ensures that you can double check your images before ordering a proof, and is a great way to make their customers more print savvy!

Check Points to Guarantee Quality of Product

If the pre-printing process hasn’t convinced you of their quality, then their 33 check point process certainly should! This is something that I haven’t seen any other printing company do. If you check out the image below you can get an overview of their check points, which act as quality control for every order. You can really get a sense for the attention to detail and level of human involvement throughout the entire process. For many printing companies they only provide a mass production solution, with little human quality control. It’s nice to see Next Day Flyers setting a good example with this!

So what are you waiting for…

Check out Next Day Flyers Today!

Interested in a Paid Review?

Whilst we will not be offering reviews very often, we will accept a couple of websites each month for review. Our reviews are totally honest, and we will only ever accept sites/services that we feel our readers will love.

  • If you would like to submit your site for an in depth review, please contact us today.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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