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Santhosh Rao :

About the Author:

I'm a freelance graphics designer and the Founder of Zillionarts and ZillionArts Workshop. Here we ought to provide the best training on Digital Painting and Visual Effects host by the experienced pros from the Hollywood and Gaming Industry. I work constantly to explore more possibilities and techniques to bring my imaginary worlds to live. You can follow me on Deviantart.

Photo Manipulate a Mystical Tribal Warrior

Photo Manipulate a Mystical Tribal Warrior

By Santhosh Rao, 17th June, 2014, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

In today’s tutorial you’ll be brushing up on your photo manipulation skills, by creating a mystical tribal warrior. This tutorial is packed full of useful techniques, from blending tactics, to digital painting, lighting, layout sketching and much more.


Photo Manipulate a Beautiful Fantasy Nature Scene

Photo Manipulate a Beautiful Fantasy Nature Scene

By Santhosh Rao, 4th March, 2014, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Today we have a great new photo manipulation tutorial for you guys. You’ll learn how to create a beautiful nature scene, featuring some crazy weather, a complex background structure and some lovely touches of detail.


Create a Surreal, Floating Landscape With a Fantasy Twist

Create a Surreal, Floating Landscape With a Fantasy Twist

By Santhosh Rao, 28th November, 2013, 5 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Floating landscapes always make for fun Photoshop work. However, often with floating landscape compositions, the floating landscape is the extent of the image, and it lacks any real story. Over at our members community, members are buzzing with ideas and inspiration. We teach people that it’s more important to develop creative direction than it is to master every complex tool in Photoshop. The crucial thing is for your images to tell a story, and to mean something to the viewer.


Convert a Portrait Into a Creepy Human Puppet for Halloween

Convert a Portrait Into a Creepy Human Puppet for Halloween

By Santhosh Rao, 15th October, 2013, 10 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

With Halloween fast approaching it’s time take our design work to a dark, spooky place. That’s the whole beauty of design isn’t it? The ability to adapt our style of design based on the creative brief, the context or the client. Today we’re going to create a seriously creepy human puppet hybrid using a regular portrait photo of a beautiful model.


Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting

Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting

By Santhosh Rao, 15th August, 2013, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Matte painting is a great skill for any creative to have. It’s a really effective way to learn skills like photo manipulation and blending, all whilst honing your ‘realism’ skills. In today’s lesson you’ll be creating this scenic, cinematic looking landscape, by combining a lot of different source files. The end result will be pretty believable, but in true PSDFAN form we’ll also be throwing some futuristic floating machines into the mix ;) . Hey, with the power of Photoshop at our fingers why not?

Grab the source file for this tutorial and get deeper insight into the workflow and techniques used. Join our FanExtra members community to access the source file.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.