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Tom Ross :

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

7 High Res Wood Textures

7 High Res Wood Textures

By Tom Ross, 10th August, 2008, 4 Comments

(Downloads - Textures)

This texture set offers 7 free, high-res wood textures for you to use in your designs.


Design a Unique Grungy Website Layout

Design a Unique Grungy Website Layout

By Tom Ross, 10th August, 2008, 74 Comments

(Tutorials - Web Design)

This tutorial will teach you how to design a cool grungy website layout. As well as walking you through the various Photoshop techniques it outlines general design principles and provides pointers for your own grunge designs. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


10 Free and Exclusive Paper Textures

10 Free and Exclusive Paper Textures

By Tom Ross, 7th August, 2008, 29 Comments

(Downloads - Textures)

PSDFAN is offering it’s very first texture set – the first of many to come. This set includes 10 high-res, free and exclusive paper textures for you to use in your designs.


Replicate Justin Timberlake’s Lovestoned Music Video

Replicate Justin Timberlake’s Lovestoned Music Video

By Tom Ross, 7th August, 2008, 61 Comments

(Designing - Tutorials)

This tutorial will teach you how to create some stunning lighting effects, inspired by Justin Timberlake’s LoveStoned music video. You will learn how to use various layer blending modes and brushes to achieve a professional finish. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Big Update

Big Update

By Tom Ross, 5th August, 2008, 2 Comments

(Articles - Site News)

Time for a big update! This post provides a quick summary of all our tutorials, freebies and interviews to date, to save you the effort of trawling our archives. Also, learn a little more about our great new advertisers!


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.