PSDFan Extra


Learn Design Socially and Effortlessly

Learn Design Socially and Effortlessly

By Tom Ross, 29th September, 2010, 5 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

We can get most of our design inspiration and learning through our online social circle, without spending ours trawling galleries. Why simply absorb information when you can interact with one another, and learn through discussion?


The Principles of Great Call to Action Buttons

The Principles of Great Call to Action Buttons

By Tom Ross, 22nd September, 2010, 10 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Today we discuss the features of great call-to-action buttons, and teach you how to design your own perfect call to action button to attract more conversions!


Interesting Ways to Display Featured Content and Products

Interesting Ways to Display Featured Content and Products

By Tom Ross, 10th August, 2010, 9 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Today we look at different trends in displaying featured content and products, and analyze a variety of websites for each trend. We also include a host of .psds and vectors to allow you to imitate these great results.


Unconventional Sources of Design Inspiration

Unconventional Sources of Design Inspiration

By Tom Ross, 28th July, 2010, 5 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Today I reveal some of my favorite methods of getting inspiration for my daily designing. These include the more unconventional, offline methods, that often provide much better inspiration than regular blogs and design websites.


A Guide to the Vignette Effect

A Guide to the Vignette Effect

By Tom Ross, 4th May, 2010, 10 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Learn about the origins and uses of vignetting, how to achieve the effect via an easy to follow Photoshop tutorial and also look over an awesome collection of vignette inspiration!


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.