PSDFan Extra


25 Portfolio Sites That Are Boldly Ignoring Design Trends

25 Portfolio Sites That Are Boldly Ignoring Design Trends

By Claire Roper, 21st June, 2013, 4 Comments

(Articles - Inspiration)

As designer’s it can be really easy for us to be sucked into design trends. What is noticeable is how the truly creative designers out there boldly defy whatever latest trend is popular, and instead forge their own way, pushing their own unique sense of style. This post celebrates the designers who use design to convey their personality, their flair for visuals and their broad range of talents.


How to Nail the Coveted Flat Design Look (9 Actionable Tips)

How to Nail the Coveted Flat Design Look (9 Actionable Tips)

By Tom Ross, 7th June, 2013, 9 Comments

(Articles - Inspiration)

Learn how to nail the coveted flat design look and adhere to the popular flat design trend. We’ll discuss 9 actionable tips to achieve an effective flat design. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Sticker Mule’s Awesome Sticker Gallery (Our Favorites)

Sticker Mule’s Awesome Sticker Gallery (Our Favorites)

By Tom Ross, 23rd February, 2013, 1 Comment

(Articles - Inspiration - Reviews)

Stickers are a great way to promote your design business, but often they can look boring. If you’re in need of some creative sticker inspiration, then check out our favorite designs from Sticker Mule’s awesome sticker design gallery.


Artist Breakdown #9. Nik Ainley: Jade (Source File Available)

Artist Breakdown #9. Nik Ainley: Jade (Source File Available)

By Tom Ross, 15th February, 2013, 2 Comments

(Articles - Inspiration)

Artist breakdown: your chance to see the techniques, thoughts and work processes behind some of the best regarded works of digital art in the world. Today we talk with Nik Ainley about his piece Jade.


Artist Breakdown #8. Eric Vasquez: The Kraken (Source File Available)

Artist Breakdown #8. Eric Vasquez: The Kraken (Source File Available)

By Tom Ross, 5th February, 2013, 0 Comments

(Articles - Inspiration)

Artist breakdown: your chance to see the techniques, thoughts and work processes behind some of the best regarded works of digital art in the world. Today we talk with Eric Vasquez about his piece The Kraken.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.