PSDFan Extra

Text Effects:

Members Area Tutorial: Create an Advanced Stone Text Effect in Photoshop

Members Area Tutorial: Create an Advanced Stone Text Effect in Photoshop

By Arindam Bhaduri, 24th April, 2013, 9 Comments

(Members Content - Text Effects)

Learn how to create a complex, realistic stone text effect from scratch in Photoshop using advanced bump map techniques and a variety of custom effects. Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Quickly and Easily Recreate a Popular Inked Typographical Style

Quickly and Easily Recreate a Popular Inked Typographical Style

By Tom Ross, 27th July, 2010, 8 Comments

(Text Effects - Tutorials)

Learn how to recreate a hugely popular style of distressed text in a few simple to follow steps. Following this technique anyone can create hugely professional looking typography for their graphic projects! Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Create Unique Sports-Themed Lettering

Create Unique Sports-Themed Lettering

By Tom Ross, 31st August, 2010, 6 Comments

(Text Effects - Tutorials)

Learn how to construct a unique text effect out of sports balls, working them into a complex composition. You’ll learn how to work with lighting effects, including the dodge/burn tools and how to integrate depth into your piece! Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Members Area Tutorial: Create an Amazing 3d Text Effect

Members Area Tutorial: Create an Amazing 3d Text Effect

By Narendra Keshkar, 27th October, 2010, 6 Comments

(Members Content - Text Effects)

This tutorial is available exclusively to members of the FanExtra Members area. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create an amazing and vibrant 3d text effect in photoshop by the help of an 3d software. You’ll see how we can get a perfect effect by using simple methods like color correction, adjustment layers, masking and drawing. Sign up today to access the tutorial and download it’s source file.


Design a Halloween Pumpkin Patch Text Effect

Design a Halloween Pumpkin Patch Text Effect

By Tom Ross, 25th October, 2010, 5 Comments

(Text Effects - Tutorials)

Learn how to create an awesome Halloween Photoshop text effect through a combination of photo-manipulation, digital painting and blending techniques. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.