PSDFan Extra

Freebies: Grunge Essentials Pack

It’s that time again!

PSDFAN is giving away it’s second freebie for all the loyal visitors here. This time I have designed a great grunge essentials pack for you guys to use in your designs. The idea is that the same images seem to crop up in grungy designs, but often it can be hard to find good quality images to use. All of the following images have been hand drawn by myself to help save you some time, and all are free to download. Best of all, each image is on it’s own layer in the .psd, so you can literally copy and paste it onto whatever background you need.

I would love to see how anyone uses these freebies, and as always I’d really appreciate any social bookmarking efforts!

What’s in the grunge essentials pack?

The following images are available for free download in the grunge essentials pack:

Post it Note

Paper Clip

Sticky Tape

Coffee Stain


Here are the elements combined

Just to show how easy it is to put this grunge pack into use, the following image took me less than 60 seconds to make, I just pasted the images together and applied a couple of drop shadows:

Free Download:

You can access this freebie and hundreds more in your Designer Toolkit area. Access the area below:

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Floris says:

    Heh, that’s pretty good! I’m using the sunrays frequently.

  2. Tom says:

    Thanks Floris, I hope that you find this freebie as useful :)

  3. Angie Bowen says:

    This is an amazing set, thank you! Floated, Dugg & Bumped btw.

  4. Tom says:

    Thanks so much Angie :)

  5. crazyhunk says:

    Thanx a lot m8…..

    Love this site and ur tuts…. :)

  6. Tom says:

    Thanks crazyhunk! I hope that you’ll consider subscribing.

  7. dasoldy says:

    WOW! That you very much, I was searching for the label a long time ago. Thanks again Tom and Nice site :)

  8. Tom says:

    Thanks dasoldy :) I’d love to see where you’ve used any of the grunge pack in your own work.

  9. Raj says:

    Thanx again for this cool freebies Tom :)

  10. Tom says:

    No problem :) Let me know if you get a chance to use them.

  11. Cindy says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely designs! :)

  12. Mira says:

    Hi, I’m an avid EC dropper on your lovely site and I always lurk around your site to check out your cute freebies. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Tom says:

    Cindy: Pleasure :)

    Mira: Thanks for checking out the site Mira, I hope that you’ll consider sticking around and subscribing. I’ll be posting more freebies fairly soon.

  14. Doug says:

    Woah! Those are AWESOME! I can’t wait to use them!

  15. Tom says:

    Cheers Doug, I’m glad you like them. Feel free to post your results of using them here.

  16. Ryan says:

    Wow.thnks a lot man..can’t wait your next tutorial n freebies..^^

  17. Tom says:

    Thanks Ryan, next tutorial is out now :) .

  18. [...] grab the sticky tape image from our Grunge Essentials Freebie Pack. Paste it onto a new top layer and then reduce it’s brightness/saturation. Then rotate it to [...]

  19. the sticky tape is the best texture of this pack. thanks!

  20. Tom says:

    Yeah I like that one too :) Thanks for the kind words.

  21. Mohd Atif says:

    clipping a paperclip to the paper as shown above ?
    How to do that ? can you please tell me

  22. Urvi says:

    Thanks for the giveaway… :)

  23. Sondra says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  24. davide scalzo says:

    thanks very useful!

  25. amlouk says:

    great works thanks

  26. NhutTrieu Kiem says:

    Thanks Tom for sharing this entry, It’s very useful! (Sory for my English because I’m Vietnamese)

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