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Photo Manipulate an Eye Catching Poster Design for Earth Hour

Photo Manipulate an Eye Catching Poster Design for Earth Hour

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an conceptual earth hour photo-manipulation. We are going to learn the process of creating depth of field using a few advanced tools. We are going to learn how to blend images so seamlessly that it would look like a single image using the Brush tool, masking tools and several adjustment layers. We will learn how to create light and darkness to make the background look seamless. We are going to learn how to use textures and give life to our image, and we are going to learn how to create a moody, dreamy tone using a few adjustment layers and lighting effects.

Final Image

Step 1

Create a new file with a width of 650 px and a height of 950 px at 300 dpi (Dots per Inch). Background Contents should be White.

Step 2

First off, create a new layer and name it “background”. Fill it with black color.

Let’s open the ‘Dark’ image from the resources section for this tutorial. We will be using girl from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Activate the Magic wand tool (W)

Take color sample from the highlighted area.

Now you can see that black area is selected so now invert the selevtion (ctrl+shift+I) and activate move tool (v) and drag the girl image to the canvas and change the layer name to “girl”.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 3

We did not need the bulb so let’s remove it

Now let’s activate clone Stamp tool (S)

Hit alt and take sample from the highlighted area then paint over the bulb.

Zoom your canvas and do it properly see as below:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 4

Now duplicate girl layer (ctrl+j) and name it “Girl2″ then activate a pen tool and delete the neck part of girl.

Hide the original girl layer:

Now make a selection around the girl’s face and make a duplicate (Ctrl+j) of it and name it “Girl face”.

Now make a selection around the girl’s body and make a duplicate (Ctrl+j) of it and name it “Girl body”.

Step 5

Now,let’s open the Bike stock in Photoshop. We will be using some metal part from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the bike and press P to activate the pen tool and then make a selection around the some metal part and then click V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “metal part1″.

The result should be similar to this:

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “metal part1” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Now make a duplicate of metal layer1 and name it “metal layer2″

The result should be similar to this:

Step 6

Now,let’s open the Wires stock in Photoshop. We will be using the wire from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Activate magic wend tool and click on the white part of the image .

The result should be similar to this:

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “wire” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Drag the wire little bit up.

Step 7

Now activate new layer and name it “Eye” then activate pen tool and make a selection around the eye and fill it with #1cc15c color and change the layer mode to color dodge :

The result should be similar to this:

Step 8

Now,let’s open the Bulb stock in Photoshop. We will be using the sky from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Now goto Select > Color range:

When the Color range box opens, input the following:

Drag it to the main canvas and name it “Bulb”.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 9

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Bulb” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 10

Now, let’s open the black Edition stock in Photoshop. We will be using the earth from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Use magic wand tool and click on the black part.

Drag it to main canvas and change the layer name to “Earth”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Earth” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 11

Now create an Outer glow which can be found by pressing on the Create New Blending options layer button shown on the layer window:

When the Blending options box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 12

Activate a new layer and name it “Reflaction”.

Activate pen tool (p) and draw 4 squares and fill them with white color (#ffffff).

Change the layer mode to “Soft color” and reduce opacity to 75% .

The result should be similar to this:

Step 13

In this step, we will add a source light to our image . To start, create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it “cloud back”.

Now, activate the Brush tool (B) and open the brush set: “Brush Set – Clouds v1″ by – Ryoku15. To load them, simply, right click on our canvas through any layer and then click on the drop-down button as shown below:

This will prompt the contextual menu to pop up and once you see that, just click on Load Brushes.

You will now be prompted to this directory: Adobe Photoshop > Presets > Brushes so make sure that you have put the brushes within this folder. Now locate the brush set and click OK. Right click on the canvas again using your Brush tool (B) and now you’ll notice that you have lightning brushes. Now, let’s choose a brush:

The result should be similar to this:

Now create a new layer and name it “cloud front”.Choose any cloud brush and make a cloud.

Now load bird brush and make a new layer “Birds” and paint them.

Step 14

Now,activate a new layer and name it “Random shapes”.

Now activate pen tool and draw some shapes like circles etc and fill them with #507b43 as color.

Now reduce the opacity to “75%”.

Step 15

Now,let’s open the stock in Photoshop. We will be using the circuits from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the stock and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “circuits”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “circuits” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Then activate pen tool and make a random selection on circuits, activate a layer mask and then choose black as forground color and erase the areas beyond the bounds of the woman’s face using a soft black paintbrush.

The result should be similar to this:

Now creat a Inner shadow which can be found by pressing on the Create New Blending options layer button shown on the layer window:

When the Blending options box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 16

Now Create a new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette.

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (circuits layer and Curves) to make a mask.

The result should be similar to this:

Now Create a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette.

When the Color Balance box opens, input the following.Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (circuits layer and Hue/Saturation) to make a clipping mask.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 17

Now, let’s open the Moss on concrete image from the resources section for this tutorial. We will be using the Moss from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Now go to Select > Color range.

When Color Range box is open put this settings

Change the layer name to “Moss”.

The result should be similar to this:

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Moss” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Step 18

Now let’s reduce the opacity of moss layer to 35%.Then activate pen tool(p) and take the girl’s thumb as a referance and make a selection around it then again activate a layer mask from bottom of layer palette and mask off the waste part .

The result should be similar to this:

Now activate burn tool and paint over the highlighted area .

The result should be similar to this:

Repeat the same process and make other fingers.

Step 19

First off, let’s open the Butterfly stock in Photoshop. We will be using the Butterfly from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “butterfly”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Butterfly” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 20

Now activate a new layer and name it “leaser1″.Now activate Elliptical marquee tool and make a selection around the girl :

Then go to Edit>Stroke:

When the Stocke box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Now activate a layer mask and use your brush tool (b) with these settings Now let’s erase :

Brush size: 100px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 70%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now create an Outer glow which can be found by pressing on the Create New Blending options layer button shown on the layer window:

When the Blending options box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 21

Now,let’s open the Blue planet from Planets Stock Pack in Photoshop. We will be using the planet from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the Blue planet and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Planet1″.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Planet” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Now create an Outer glow which can be found by pressing on the Create New Blending options layer button shown on the layer window:

When the Blending options box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Add some more planets :

Step 22

Now, let’s open the Nebula Effects Fractal Stock in Photoshop. We will be using the Nebula from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the Nebula Effects Fractal Stock and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Nebula”.

Add a vector mask to the layer

Now Brush tool (B) with these settings Now let’s erase :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 50%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Add some more layers of nebula and repeat the process.

Step 23

Now, let’s open the Rocket Stock image in Photoshop. We will be using the rocket from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Use pen tool then click on the white part then invert the selection (ctrl+shift+i)

Then press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Rocket”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “rocket” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

I have already showed you how to load a brush so load the smoke brush and paint a smoke behind the rocket

Then use brush tool with #6092ae as color and pain the light flash behind the rocket

Step 24

Now let’s work with our font.

So now activate text tool(t) and Write “60″:

Now open black Edition then remove the black part from this image.

Now goto Edit>Define Pattern then name it as earth.See as below :

Now create a Pattern Overlay which can be found by pressing on the Create New Blending options layer button shown on the layer window:

When the Blending options box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Now create a Bevel and Emboss layer style which can be found by pressing on the Create New Blending options layer button shown on the layer window:

When the Blending options box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Now add some more text and logo’s.

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About the Author:

Vikas Singh Adhikari (Vik aadi) is a 20 years old self-taught digital mixed media artist and a photographer from New Delhi India. The themes that are mostly seen on his work revolve around surrealism, pseudo-realism, nostalgic sentiments, and human emotion.You can contact him on his deviant art account: and his facebook page:

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1 Comment:

  1. Torben says:

    where can I find the random shapes?

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