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In today’s design lesson we’re going to create a mysterious steampunk man and place him in a victorian looking setting.
You’ll learn a variety of useful photo manipulation techniques including:
Let’s get started!
Here is the final outcome we’ll be creating:
Open Photoshop and create a new file. Go to File -> New and input the following attributes
Next, open the background stock image. You will need to rotate the image, go to Image -> Image Rotation -> 90 CCW.
After rotated, use the Quick Selection Tool and select the following part of the image
Then use the Move Tool and move the selected part to our new file. Name this new layer “Background”.
Open the sky stock image, select a part of it like this
Move the selected part to our file, place it behind the “Background” layer and name it “Sky”.
We will edit the sky a little bit by adding these following adjustments to the “Sky” layer.
Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Brightness/Contrast.
Remember to check the box “Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask”
Adjust the Brightness/Contrast like this:
Brightness : -37
Contrast : 59
Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Black&White and adjust it like this
Add the following Curves layer (Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Curves)
Here is what we got after the adjustments
Let’s edit the background a little bit. Add these following adjustment layers (which can be found all in Layer -> New Adjustment Layer) to the “Background” layer.
Don’t forget to check the box “Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask”
Brightness : -119
Contrast : -13
Saturation : -36
Lightness : -72
Photo Filter
Color : #ffc53b
Density : 12%
And we will have this as the result
Add Layer Masks to the adjustment layers
Layer mask on Brightness/Contrast
Layer mask on Hue/Saturation
And here’s what we get
We will create light source on the light street for the image’s main light. Create a new layer above the “Background” layer, name it “Len Flare” and fill it with Black.
Go to Filter -> Render -> Len Flare
We will have a raw len flare, switch the blend mode to “Color Dodge” to remove the black background then place the len flare on the street light.
Add the following adjustment layers to the “Len Flare” layer
Hue : 42
Saturation : 42
Lightness : +20
And another Hue/Saturation
Saturation : -69
Lightness: +19
Layer mask on the Len Flare layer
And we will have this shining light street
We will add an extra glowing light by create a new layer, use a round soft white brush and click on the image to draw a single soft round shape.
Go to Blending Option of the layer and adjust:
Outer Glow
Blend Mode : Screen
Color : #e4b526
Spread : 0%
Size : 109 px
Range : 71%
Color Overlay : change the color to #fff1c6
Place the glowing light on the street light
Create a new Gradient Map adjustment layer on top of all layer.
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 69%
Fill : 67%
Layer mask on Gradient Map layer
And we’re done with the background!
Open the model stock image, extract the model and place it on our file, name it “Model”
We need to create a shadow for the model.
Duplicate the Model layer, fill the duplicated layer with black color.
Go to Image -> Transform -> Distort or simply hit Ctrl + T and choose Distort to manipulate the shadow.
Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur
Radius : 4.0 px
We will have the following result
Select the Model layer, go to Blending Option and add the Inner Shadow.
Blend Mode : Multiply
Distance : 4px
Size : 27px
As you can see the glowing blue edge of the model has been gradually reduced by using Inner Shadow.
Apply following adjustment layers for the model
Saturation : -41
Lightness : -4
Brightness : -15
Contrast : 23
Gradient Map
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 73%
Photo Filter
Here’s the result
Open the Machine Box stock image, extract then place it on the model
Resize it to fit the back of the model
Apply following adjustment layers
Brightness : -32
Contrast : -22
Photo Filter :
change the color #b2711c
Density : 68%
Gradient Map
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 73%
Fill : 73%
We will have the following result
Open 2 tentacle stock images and extract their following part
Place the tentacles under Machine Box layer. Duplicate and transform them like this
Select all the tentacle layers and go to Layer -> Group Layer (or Ctrl + G) to store them into a group, name the group “Tentacles”.
Add the following adjustment layers to the Tentacles Group we just created
Blend Mode : Overlay
Opacity : 85%
Gradient Map
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 73%
The result should look like this
Time to add some sparks! Open the Lightning brush, create a new layer and start placing lightning all around the tentacles. Remember to put each lightning on different layers. Resize, transform the lightning as your will.
Erase some part of the lightning on the tentacles.
Apply following Blending Option to all lightning layers. You can do this fast by applying to one layer, then right click on it and choose Copy Layer Style, right click on other layers and choose Paste Layer Style
Blend Mode : Screen
Opacity : 100%
Color : #1f7aea
Size : 6px
Range : 32%
The result should look like this:
Create a new layer, use soft white brush and draw like this
Apply Outer Glow effect in Blending Option
Blend Mode : Screen
Opacity : 47%
Noise : 10%
Color : #3da7ce
Size : 122px
Range : 72%
We will have a glowing blue lightning effect like this
Open and place the Snow Texture into the image. Change the blend mode to Screen, Opacity 48%
Apply layer mask to the Snow layer
Duplicate the Snow layer, move it down to the bottom a little bit.
Opacity : 66%
Flow : 72%
We will have more snow at the bottom of the image
We will create some fog by create a new layer. Remember to set the Foreground Color to White and Background Color to Black before continue.
Go to Filter -> Render -> Cloud
Change the blend mode to Screen, Opacity 20%, Fill 29%
We are almost done! The ground still need more shadow so create a new layer, use soft round brush with black color and paint the ground like this
Layer mask on shadow layer
Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light and we should have a nice shadow ground
Duplicate the Shadow layer to increase the effect
Now we just need to add some final retouch for the image. Apply these adjustment layers on top of all layers.
Gradient Map 1
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 48%
Fill : 65%
Gradient Map 2
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 37%
Fill : 40%
Selective Color
Blend Mode : Linear Dodge (Add)
Opacity : 54%
Fill : 70%
Layer mask on Hue/Saturation
Color Balance
I hope you guys enjoy the tutorial. I would love to hear your feedback on the techniques and outcome.
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I've been a self-taught Photoshop user since 2010 from Haiphong, Viet Nam. I love all kind of designing but photo manipulation is my main aspect. Catch me up at: http://atknebula.deviantart.com/
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