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Today I’ll be showing you how to create a realistic metal text effect using only 2 layers! Sound to good to be true? Well read on… even a beginner can following this quick and easy tutorial.
Here is the final image that we will be creating from scratch using layer styles and filters:
First we will create a pattern.
Please create new document. Press Ctrl+N on your keyboard.
Use 150 px as a width and height.
Use white background. Now go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise
Next press Ctrl+F to apply filter again with same settings.
Now go to Edit -> Define Pattern
Next create new document. Press Ctrl+N on your keyboard.
Use dark grey for a background.
To do this press Shift+Backspace , and from the dropdown menu choose color.
and choose 353535 from color window.
Next apply
Pattern Overlay:
Blend Mode: Multiply
Opacity: 49%
Choose pattern we just created
Scale: 25%
Select Horizontal Type Tool and type desired letter, with desired font. Font I used is Intro Inline. Use 800pt size.Color is not important at this stage, we can use black.
We will use Layer Styles to style the layer.
Inner Shadow:
Color: ffffff
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 120 degrees
Distance: 18px
Choke: 0%
Size: 11px
Noise: 0%
Size: 7px
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Fill Type: Gradient
Gradient Ranging From: cacaca through 848484 to 333333
Style: Linear
Angle: -90
Scale: 91
Bevel and Embos:
Style: Inner Bevel
Technique: Chisel Hard
Depth: 297px
Direction: Up
Size: 6px
Soften: 0px
Gloss Contour:Cone
Higlight Mode: ffffff Screen 97%
Shadow Mode: 000000 Multiply 36%
Contour: Half Round Range 0%
Blend Mode: Linear Dodge
Color: ffffff
Opacity: 51%
Angle: 19 degrees
Distance: 12px
Size: 14px
Contour: Invert
Color Overlay:
Color: 999999
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Drop Shadow:
Color: 000000
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 54%
Angle: 90 degrees
Distance: 12px
Spread: 0%
Size: 16px
Noise: 0%
Now Press Ctrl+J to duplicate your text layer, next remove previously applied layer styles from this new copy layer.
Now change Fill Opacity to 0% to do this go to Layer -> Layer Styles -> Blending Options…
Now please apply
Size: 7px
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 0%
Fill Type: Color
Color: 000000
Bevel and Embos:
Style: Stroke Emboss
Technique: Chisel Soft
Depth: 113px
Direction: Up
Size: 30px
Soften: 11px
Higlight Mode: ffffff Linear Light 44%
Shadow Mode: 000000 Multiply 14%
Gloss Contour:Ring Double
Angle: 110 41
Contour: Half Round Range 0%
Inner Shadow:
Color: 484848
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Angle: -90degrees
Distance: 20px
Choke: 0px
Size: 26px
Noise: 2%
Inner Glow:
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 35%
Noise: 0%
Color: ffffff
Technique: Softer
Source: Edge
Choke: 74px
Size: 9px
Range: 50%
Blend Mode: Color Burn
Color: 000000
Opacity: 50%
Angle: 19 degrees
Distance: 10px
Size: 9px
Contour: Gaussian Invert
Gradient Overlay:
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 38%
Gradient Ranging From: cacaca through 848484 to 333333
Style: Linear
Angle: 90 degrees
Pattern Overlay:
Blend Mode: Overlay
Opacity: 100%
Choose same pattern we created in first step of this tutorial
Scale: 25%
Drop Shadow:
Color: 000000
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 90 degrees
Distance: 3px
Spread: 76px
Size: 3px
Noise: 0%
I hope that you liked and found useful this tutorial . Please Leave your comments.
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Compulsive, obsessive, enthusiastic graphic designer. He loves to learn new things and evolve the ideas, because it's just a ride. Visit his website at Klefuemedia
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mixed up all the settings in the layer style(((((
How so einsatz?
Written settings don’t match the screen shot on Step 3. Applied all effects and looks nothing like the example.
Ah wow, thanks for pointing this out Bob. I’ll contact the author and have this amended right away.
OK – it’s important to use the Intro inline font and by using a combination of the written settings and the screen shots you can get a very good effect. Thanks for the tutorial – Well worth the effort!
Hi guys. The tutorial has been amended and all details should be accurate now. Thanks for the patience.
Thanks very much for your detailed step by step guide. Much appreciated!
I followed your steps and it works thanks for sharing you saved me lots of time
Thanks, nice one! .)