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PSD.FanExtra is a blog centered around design and Photoshop. We provide in depth Photoshop tutorials, articles, inspiration, freebies and more. Our goal is to help teach and inspire creatives around the world,and contribute to the design community.
If you browse our archives you’ll find a wealth of resources at your disposable, 95% of which are totally free.
PSD.FanExtra is part of the FanExtra Network. As a network we offer a comprehensive members area, for those who want to really boost their learning. This gives you access to all tutorial source files, as well as weekly members-only tutorials, vectors, icons, brush sets, patterns, textures and designer discounts. With over 1000 quality resources on offer for just $9 per month, we’re confident you’ll enjoy your membership. Check out what some of our happy members have been saying:
Sign up Today to Join Our Member Community.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.