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Happy New Year to all PSDFAN readers. On behalf of myself and all of the PSDFAN team I would like to thank you all for your tremendous support during 2009. It’s been a fantastic year, seeing our once fledgling community thrive into a fantastic centre of design discussion. None of PSDFAN’s progress would be possible without your ongoing support, so thankyou!
Best of all, we have some HUGE things planned for 2010! I will personally have a lot more time to devote to the site, and so things will be shaken up in a big way in the coming months. Here’s some of the things that you can look forward to:
- We will be completely relaunching our members area, which will be packed full of exciting new features and great content. Hopefully this relaunch should be happening around the end of January/start of February.
- We’ll be sticking to a much improved posting schedule. I’m bringing several new authors on board, as well as posting more myself, so you can expect to see a higher quality of post, happening on a daily basis in 2010!
- With more posting comes more of your favorite kinds of posts! Inspiration posts are great, but we’ll be pouring a lot more time back into publishing the high quality tutorials that made PSDFAN what it is today! Additionally we’ll be offering several contests to help reward our readers.
- New websites! Whilst January will be used to refine our new posting schedule and relaunch the members area, we will launching a sister site to PSDFAN that we’re very excited about. Stay tuned for more news on this one!
I’ll leave you on that note, but be sure to enjoy your evenings, and I look forward to talking with you all in the New Year!
To remind ourselves of the great progress that PSDFAN made this year I’ve decided to roundup our most popular posts of 2009. These posts hopefully gave the design community a lot of inspiration and so I hope that you enjoyed them. If you haven’t read any of these posts yet be sure to check them out!
From web designs to advertisements, we published a lot of creative tutorials in 09. If you haven’t tried any of these tutorials out yet, then I hope you’ll do so, and come up with something really creative.
Making the ‘Clean Grunge’ Blog Design
Create a Mock-Retro Poster Concept
Design a Stunning Sneaker Advert
Create a Professional Portfolio Design in 17 Easy Steps
Create Smokey Typography in 12 Steps
Become a Master of the Pen Tool in Under 30 Minutes
Create a Simple, Professional Typographical Design
Advanced Tutorial: Creating ‘Broken Link’
From logos, to websites, to wallpapers, we posted a lot of useful resources for designers this year. I hope that you’ll review some of these posts as they still help me in my daily work!
20+ Super Professional Photoshop Light Effects Tutorials
50 Superb Photo-Manips You Probably Haven’t Seen Before
35 High Def Wallpapers to Calm and Inspire You
30 Awesome Twitter Inspired Logo Designs
25 Abstract and Beautiful IPhone Wallpapers
30 Clean and Bright Website Designs
25 Inspiring Examples of Abstract Vector Design
20 Super Creative Website Menus
The Website Evolution of 6 Monster Design Blogs
15 Examples of Well Designed Contact Pages
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
Great post, good round up to the best of last year, really like this site, and hope great posts come out this year.
Thanks Vim, I’m totally snowed under with dissertation work at the moment, but there will be a lot of great posts coming in a week or so.
[...] Happy New Years – Most Popular Posts of 2009 « PSDFan fantastic tutorials from 2009 – Photoshop (tags: design inspiration tutorial tutorials photoshop) [...]
Congrats for your continued success..looking forward to the new posts for 2010
Wow, this is a lot to go through! Great collection.
I made this one of the my three links of the day on my daily design blog Design Thought for the Day”:
All the best, Ted
some best ever articles of year 2009.
Great Post, some really great pieces of design from 09. Thanks
Thanks for putting this great collection together and for posting them in the first place! I especially enjoyed the Create Smokey Typography in 12 Steps tutorial.
Awesome! Great collection. I am very inspired through this post.
Great post! Keep writing. I’m a big fan of your posts. Very good post.