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For almost three years PSD.FanExtra has focused almost exclusively on tutorials teaching graphic and digital design. However, as covered in some of our recent articles, it’s really important to constantly expand your skill-set, and explore other visual mediums.
I’ve always been a keen artist, and try to integrate this area of my creative talent into my digital work whenever possible. However, I recognize that not everyone is born with these kinds of skills, and often it’s necessary for aspiring artists to learn the fundamentals of drawing before starting their quest towards creative utopia.
Therefore I’ve decided to start a newly weekly post series focusing on non-digital art tutorials. I’m calling this post series ‘Friday Art School’ and will be creating some really in depth drawing and modeling tutorials to help inspire you all.
Just take a look at some of the great content we’ve got lined up for you in the coming weeks.
How to Draw a Hyper-Realistic Portrait
Learn How to Shade Objects like a Pro
Capturing Motion and Movement Accurately
As with past weekly post series, we’d love to get your opinion on Friday Art School. Are you interesting in learning more about non-digital mediums, and are you looking forward to the great content we’ve lined up? Let us know in the poll below:
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
I will be following this one with attention !
Each new skill learned is a new way to expand our creativity.
Like first image, serious man ya
Haha now that today is officially over, I should just point out that this ‘new post series’ was in fact an April fools. You may have guessed from the not-so-hyper-realistic portrait lol!
Alternatively if you click on the ‘upcoming tutorials’ you get an April fools message. I hope everyone had a great day!
Ah! Good April fools joke! I thought the idea for the tutorials would be pretty good, but I was not seeing the ‘hyper-realism’ of the portrait hahaha
Hahah, I’m still surprised how many people fell for it! Who knows, I might consider something like this in the future (maybe even an art tutorials sister site!). While I can draw fairly decently, I wouldn’t say that I was good enough to teach it to others though.