PSDFan Extra

Basics / Tools:

Wireframes: A Beginner’s Guide

Wireframes: A Beginner’s Guide

By Jay Adrianna, 18th February, 2013, 0 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Today you’ll learn all about wireframes – why they’re so important in web design, and how to use them correctly. You’ll also learn the crucial differences between wireframes and mockups/prototypes.


Mastering Photoshop’s Sharpen Tool

Mastering Photoshop’s Sharpen Tool

By Arindam Bhaduri, 14th January, 2013, 19 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Learn how to master the Photoshop sharpen tool in this comprehensive guide. You will learn every possible way to sharpen your images professionally in Photoshop, as well as when each method is most applicable. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Optimize Images Correctly Using Photoshop

Optimize Images Correctly Using Photoshop

By Tom Ross, 31st October, 2012, 4 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Do you save your images appropriately for the web? If not then learn how to quickly optimize images using Photoshop. Your server (and clients) will thank you!


Mastering the Apply Image Tool in Photoshop

Mastering the Apply Image Tool in Photoshop

By Arindam Bhaduri, 3rd September, 2012, 7 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

If the apply image tool in Photoshop is something that has confused you, then this is the tutorial for you! We walk you through a range of possibilities for the tool in a series of in depth casestudies. Master apply image today! Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Create an Advanced Reflective Clear Layer Style in Photoshop

Create an Advanced Reflective Clear Layer Style in Photoshop

By Arindam Bhaduri, 16th July, 2012, 5 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Learn how to create an advanced reflective layer style in Photoshop from scratch that you can then apply to your future projects. This detailed tutorial will walk you through ever step carefully. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.