PSDFan Extra

Basics / Tools:

5 Incredibly Useful Non-Destructive Photoshop Techniques

5 Incredibly Useful Non-Destructive Photoshop Techniques

By Tom Ross, 17th February, 2012, 45 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Achieving a non-destructive workflow in Photoshop is hugely important, yet can be overlooked by even some advanced designers. Today we look over 5 super useful techniques to keep your work non-destructive, giving you much more creative freedom.


Complete Guide to Photo Sharpening in Photoshop

Complete Guide to Photo Sharpening in Photoshop

By Daniel Meadows, 28th October, 2011, 6 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Learn how to correctly sharpen your photos using Photoshop, by mastering the high pass filter, and the apply image method. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Master a Professional Photo Retouching Workflow

Master a Professional Photo Retouching Workflow

By Daniel Meadows, 18th July, 2011, 13 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Today, rather than looking at specific retouching techniques, you will learn a full, professional photo retouching workflow. Learn how to retouch photos like the pros!


Professional Retouching Tutorial: Using Curves in Photoshop (Part 3)

Professional Retouching Tutorial: Using Curves in Photoshop (Part 3)

By Daniel Meadows, 15th October, 2012, 18 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

Learn the theory behind Photoshop curves, and how to use them to create magazine-style professional photos. You will learn how to manipulate highlights and shadows, as well as alter specific colors within your image. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Professional Retouching Tutorial: Dodge and Burn (Part 2)

Professional Retouching Tutorial: Dodge and Burn (Part 2)

By Daniel Meadows, 8th October, 2012, 29 Comments

(Basics / Tools - Tutorials)

In this Part 2 (of two) you will learn how to dodge and burn your photos in a unique but professional way, creating a super smooth skin surface. We look at the theory behind these techniques, and why it’s worth spending the extra time on your retouching process!


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.