PSDFan Extra


Create a Surreal, Floating Landscape With a Fantasy Twist

Create a Surreal, Floating Landscape With a Fantasy Twist

By Santhosh Rao, 28th November, 2013, 5 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Floating landscapes always make for fun Photoshop work. However, often with floating landscape compositions, the floating landscape is the extent of the image, and it lacks any real story. Over at our members community, members are buzzing with ideas and inspiration. We teach people that it’s more important to develop creative direction than it is to master every complex tool in Photoshop. The crucial thing is for your images to tell a story, and to mean something to the viewer.


Create a Devil Woman Scene Using Digital Painting Techniques

Create a Devil Woman Scene Using Digital Painting Techniques

By Jenny Le, 13th November, 2013, 1 Comment

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

In today’s tutorial you’ll learn how to create a dark, ominous scene featuring a fantasy devil woman. This is a fairly advanced tutorial with lots of details, but I’ve broken down the entire process for you so that you can follow along.


Convert a Portrait Into a Creepy Human Puppet for Halloween

Convert a Portrait Into a Creepy Human Puppet for Halloween

By Santhosh Rao, 15th October, 2013, 10 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

With Halloween fast approaching it’s time take our design work to a dark, spooky place. That’s the whole beauty of design isn’t it? The ability to adapt our style of design based on the creative brief, the context or the client. Today we’re going to create a seriously creepy human puppet hybrid using a regular portrait photo of a beautiful model.


Create a 3D Neon Night Club Sign in Photoshop CS6 Extended

Create a 3D Neon Night Club Sign in Photoshop CS6 Extended

By Orestes Javier, 1st October, 2013, 18 Comments

(Text Effects - Tutorials)

Learning Photoshop’s 3D capabilities can be a daunting process. However, you could say the same for the first time you learned masking, or the adjustments panel. Mastering 3D work can add a whole new depth (excuse the pun!) to your design work. Particularly 3D typography can be an awesome final touch for anything from web design to print design or photo manipulation work. Basically, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and tackle a new skill!


Create a Sci-Fi Racing Driver Scene (Using Innovative Photoshop Techniques)

Create a Sci-Fi Racing Driver Scene (Using Innovative Photoshop Techniques)

By Dek Wid, 17th September, 2013, 13 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

I love tutorials that go beyond the basics and teach some really innovative techniques. This tutorial is a perfect example of that. I’ve been using Photoshop for over a decade, and our resident author Dek Wid taught me a couple of really handy tricks in this lesson. Not only will you learn some fantastic ways to blend your images effectively, but you’ll be creating an awesome sci-fi outcome.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.