PSDFan Extra


7 Fundamental Ways to Improve Your Digital Art (Hint: They’re All About Referencing)

7 Fundamental Ways to Improve Your Digital Art (Hint: They’re All About Referencing)

By Monika Zagrobelna, 3rd September, 2013, 17 Comments

(Drawing - Tutorials)

Looking to level up your digital artwork? It turns out referencing is a really effective way to improve your work, and make it more creative. So what exactly is referencing and how can it help you?


Create An Epic Fantasy Based Ancient Battleground

Create An Epic Fantasy Based Ancient Battleground

By Antaka Nguyen, 21st August, 2013, 15 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

At PSDFAN we love helping you to create fantasy outcomes. In today’s detailed tutorial you’ll learn how to photo manipulate a fantasy battleground. You’ll work with cool lighting effects, some serious blending, and matte painting techniques.

Grab the source file for this tutorial and get deeper insight into the workflow and techniques used. Join our FanExtra members community to access the source file.


Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting

Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting

By Santhosh Rao, 15th August, 2013, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Matte painting is a great skill for any creative to have. It’s a really effective way to learn skills like photo manipulation and blending, all whilst honing your ‘realism’ skills. In today’s lesson you’ll be creating this scenic, cinematic looking landscape, by combining a lot of different source files. The end result will be pretty believable, but in true PSDFAN form we’ll also be throwing some futuristic floating machines into the mix ;) . Hey, with the power of Photoshop at our fingers why not?

Grab the source file for this tutorial and get deeper insight into the workflow and techniques used. Join our FanExtra members community to access the source file.


Pushing Your Creative Imagination: How to Create a Future Based Fantasy Photo Manipulation

Pushing Your Creative Imagination: How to Create a Future Based Fantasy Photo Manipulation

By Antaka Nguyen, 8th August, 2013, 9 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

The beauty of being able to create fantastic photo manipulations is being able to transport yourself and those who view your work to new worlds and redefine ‘normal’. Sure, it’s a helpful exercise to great well blended realistic scenes, but with the power of Photoshop at our disposal why settle for realistic? In today’s lesson you’ll learn to start thinking about how to take ordinary photos and combine them into something exciting and out of the ordinary.

Grab the source file for this tutorial and get deeper insight into the workflow and techniques used. Join our FanExtra members community to access the source file.


Learn How to Paint Difficult Metallic Surfaces By Creating Reflective Armor

Learn How to Paint Difficult Metallic Surfaces By Creating Reflective Armor

By Monika Zagrobelna, 29th July, 2013, 5 Comments

(Drawing - Tutorials)

If you have ever tried to paint metal, you probably know how tricky this kind of surface is. In today’s design lesson digital painting master Monika Zagrobelna will teach you how to paint metal that is richly detailed, reflective and never flat. Once you’ve mastered this technique you can apply the techniques to most reflective surfaces, across a range of works.

Grab the source file for this tutorial and get deeper insight into the workflow and techniques used. Join our FanExtra members community to access the source file.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.