PSDFan Extra


Members Area Tutorial: Recreate a High-End Photo Shoot On a Limited Budget

Members Area Tutorial: Recreate a High-End Photo Shoot On a Limited Budget

By Cosmas Hiolos, 15th May, 2013, 0 Comments

(Members Content - Photo Effects)

Learn how to recreate the results of a high-end photo shoot on a very limited budget. You’ll learn the basics for setting up a photo shoot correctly, and then we’ll move over into Photoshop for some post-production magic! Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Members Area Tutorial: Composite a Dynamic, Fantasy Winter Scene Using Photoshop

Members Area Tutorial: Composite a Dynamic, Fantasy Winter Scene Using Photoshop

By Eric Vasquez, 26th June, 2013, 0 Comments

(Members Content - Photo Effects)

Today’s tutorial is one of the longest, most in depth design lessons you’re likely to come across. At over 8500 words, 70 steps long and 200 meticulously detailed and diagramed images, it’s a true design education. You’ll learn how to create a beautiful fantasy winter scene using advanced, professional compositing techniques. Join FanExtra today to access the full tutorial and download it’s accompanying source file.


Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting

Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting

By Santhosh Rao, 15th August, 2013, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Matte painting is a great skill for any creative to have. It’s a really effective way to learn skills like photo manipulation and blending, all whilst honing your ‘realism’ skills. In today’s lesson you’ll be creating this scenic, cinematic looking landscape, by combining a lot of different source files. The end result will be pretty believable, but in true PSDFAN form we’ll also be throwing some futuristic floating machines into the mix ;) . Hey, with the power of Photoshop at our fingers why not?

Grab the source file for this tutorial and get deeper insight into the workflow and techniques used. Join our FanExtra members community to access the source file.


Photo Manipulate a Beautiful Fantasy Nature Scene

Photo Manipulate a Beautiful Fantasy Nature Scene

By Santhosh Rao, 4th March, 2014, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

Today we have a great new photo manipulation tutorial for you guys. You’ll learn how to create a beautiful nature scene, featuring some crazy weather, a complex background structure and some lovely touches of detail.


Create a Fantasy Underwater Scene with Photoshop

Create a Fantasy Underwater Scene with Photoshop

By Jenny Le, 2nd April, 2014, 0 Comments

(Photo Effects - Tutorials)

We’ve been getting a lot of questions recently about how to achieve an underwater effect in your photo manipulations. This is definitely something that can be tricky, and look bad if done wrong. Today’s tutorial will show you how to photo manipulate a fantasy woman, floating in an underwater setting.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.