PSDFan Extra

Web Design:

Design a Trendy Yet Professional Website Layout

Design a Trendy Yet Professional Website Layout

By Tom Ross, 2nd December, 2010, 24 Comments

(Tutorials - Web Design)

Learn how to design a highly functional yet creative web layout. You’ll learn to work with textures, blending options, lighting options, and typography to achieve a unique design. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Design a Super Sleek Hosting Layout

Design a Super Sleek Hosting Layout

By Tom Ross, 15th November, 2010, 6 Comments

(Tutorials - Web Design)

Learn how to design a super sleek hosting layout, using a creative grid system, and some cool photo manipulation. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Design a Beautiful Red and Gold Christmas Themed Website

Design a Beautiful Red and Gold Christmas Themed Website

By Tom Ross, 9th November, 2010, 5 Comments

(Tutorials - Web Design)

Learn how to construct a beautiful red and gold themed Christmas web design, complete with an awesome header photo-manipulation. You’ll learn how to integrate multiple visual elements to add a sense of detail and care to your work. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Create an Effective Coming Soon Page

Create an Effective Coming Soon Page

By Tom Ross, 1st November, 2010, 12 Comments

(Tutorials - Web Design)

Learn how to create a simple but effective coming soon page, utilizing lighting effects, typography and visual hierarchy. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Design a Textured Portfolio Website

Design a Textured Portfolio Website

By Tom Ross, 18th October, 2010, 12 Comments

(Tutorials - Web Design)

As part of our FanExtra Network Launch Week we’re providing 7 tutorials in 7 days. Learn how to design a textured portfolio website, by constructing a complex background design, and overlaying various content areas. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.