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You can preview the brush set below, and can download the full brush set via our FanExtra members area.
This premium brush set contains 10 quality, high res Photoshop brushes. Each brush is hugely detailed, and is sure to add a professional touch to your work. Even better, each brush is super high-res, at around 1000-2500px.
These brushes are specifically designed with photo manipulation work in mind. They allow you to add rays of light to virtually any scene!
You can download this brush set via our FanExtra members area, along with hundreds of other design files.
Ester Liquori is a graphic designer from Italy, passionate for creating clean, modern identities, logotypes and websites. She runs her design blog Ester Liquori Design Blog (http://esterliquoridesign.blogspot.com) where she posts freebies, inspiration, tutorials etc. She is also an avid photographer and traveler and posts some pics from all over the World in her photoblog 365PhotoPaths
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
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