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Here is a preview of the image that we are going to be creating:
Start by creating a new layout (1000X1400px).
We’re going to start by laying out canvas guides to help structure our layout.
Lay out the following guides:
Vertical Guides:
50px, 350px, 600px, 650px, 700px, 950px
Horizontal Guides:
200px, 550px, 700px, 900px, 1000px
Create a new layer called ‘background’. Select your entire canvas and fill it with d12b5d.
Create a new layer called ‘radial gradient top’.
Drag out a white to transparent radial gradient from the very top center of your canvas.
Reduce this layer’s opacity to 20% and change it’s blend mode to ‘overlay’. This will make the light effect much more subtle, giving just a subtle highlight to your header:
Duplicate your ‘radial gradient top’ layer and move the duplicate layer down so that your duplicate highlight starts at your 550px horizontal guide line:
We’ve going to create a simple logo for our Vlog.
Start by pasting in the camera icon from the movies icon pack in the resources section for this tutorial.
Then apply some next to the right of this:
Logo Text Settings:
Font Face: Carson
Size: 30pt
Kerning: -50
Color: ffffff (for small text) and ffd800 for the larger text.
Now apply a subtle drop shadow blending option to your text layer:
Drop Shadow Blending Option Settings:
Blend Mode: Multiply
Color: 000000
Opacity: 25%
Angle: 120
Distance: 1px
Spread: 0%
Size: 2px
Download the ‘simple dividers’ web elements pack from FanExtra (see resources section for this tutorial). Paste in the first divider from the pack, positioning it just underneath your logo area.
Reduce it’s opacity to 60% to make it slightly more subtle:
Now apply some text underneath your divider for menu links.
Menu Text Settings:
Font Face: Arial
Styling: Bold
Kerning: 75
Color: ffffff
Apply a subtle drop shadow to your text to help it stand out against your background more:
Drop Shadow Blending Option Settings:
Blend Mode: Multiply
Color: 000000
Opacity: 25%
Angle: 120
Distance: 1px
Spread: 0%
Size: 2px
Use your lasso tool to create a series of white ‘play’ icons next to each menu item:
Now we want to create an active state for our menu.
Start by creating a white rounded rectangle behind your ‘home’ link (10px radius).
Now reduce the fill opacity of this layer to 8%, leaving the main layer opacity at 100%.
Apply an inner glow blending option:
Inner Glow Blending Option Settings:
Blend Mode: Screen
Opacity: 15%
Color: ffffff
Source: Edge
Choke: 0%
Size: 10px
Download the Komodo social media icon pack from the resources section. Paste in several of the icons that are relevant to your blog, positioning them to the left of your logo.
Type out some account related links and position them to the right of your logo:
Now type out some sketchy text above your links, using the Jenna Sue font links to in the resources section for this tutorial.
Sketchy Text Settings:
Font Face: Jenna Sue
Size: 24
Kerning: 0
Color: ffffff
Also download the FanExtra Sketchy Arrows brush set found in the resources for this tutorial and create a light pink arrow pointing to your account related links:
Apply some sketchy text and a sketchy arrow to the left side of your header above your social media icons:
Using your guides create a large black area in the center of your canvas. This will be the background for your featured video player:
Now grab a screenshot of your featured video. Later your will embed the video using code.
I used a video of me and my good friend Matt performing a cover of one of our favorite bands. If you’re interested you can check out the video here. (I’m the one on the right).
Let’s create some browsing buttons to navigate between featured videos easily.
Create a white circle in the center of the black area to the left of your featured video:
Reduce the opacity of this circle to 16%.
Then create a new layer called ‘arrow’. Reduce this layer’s opacity to 20%. Use your lasso tool to create a white arrow within your circle:
Place the ‘circle’ and ‘arrow’ layers within a single layer group. Duplicate this group and move your duplicate arrow button to the right of your featured video area. Then with this layer group selected go to edit>transform>flip horizontal.
Now apply a heading underneath your featured video area.
Paste in one of the icons from the FanExtra movie icon pack.
Then type out some heading text. Apply the drop shadow blending option that you used on your menu text.
Heading Text Settings:
Font Face: Carton
Size: 24pt
Kerning: -50
Color: ffffff
Paste a series of video thumbnails underneath your ‘latest videos’ heading.
Create a rounded rectangle shape (10px radius) underneath your video thumbnails. It can be any color, as we’re going to style it using blending options:
Now apply a gradient overlay and drop shadow blending option:
Gradient Overlay Blending Option Settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: ranging from fe9700 to ffd100
Angle: 90
Drop Shadow Blending Option Settings:
Blend Mode: Multiply
Color: 000000
Opacity: 14%
Distance: 2px
Spread: 0%
Size: 5px
Now apply a brown (5d321b) custom shape arrow to your button, as well as some brown Arial text saying ‘OLDER VIDEOS’. This will allow users to browse back through your vlog archives:
Open up your simple dividers web elements kit again and copy/paste the 10th divider into your original document.
Go to edit>transform>rotate 90 CCW and use your guides to position it between your left column and the empty space in your right column.
Also reduce this dividers layer opacity to 20% to make it more subtle:
Add some content to your right column.
This column is really just reusing layer styles and font settings from the rest of your layer, so I won’t repeat them again.
The sign up button uses the same layer styles as your ‘older videos’ button.
The heading text settings are the same as your ‘LATEST VIDEOS’ heading, and the smaller text is the same as your menu:
To construct your site’s footer create a new layer called ‘footer’.
Select the bottom 50px of your canvas and fill it with black:
Use your lasso tool to create an upwards black arrow from the center of your black footer bar.
Then add some text to your footer:
Footer Text Settings:
Font Face: Arial
Size: 12pt
Kerning: -50
Color: 9f9f9f
You can view the final outcome below. I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and would love to hear your feedback on the techniques and outcome.
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
Nicely done Tom! I like the layout with the slideshow up top and the clean navigation and footer. Using the grid is the right way to go and is a great lesson for web and print designers alike. There are a few things that I would tweak and it’s probably just me, but I would align the smaller copy under “Email Updates” with the top row thumbnails, and the bottom row of thumbnails with the last image of “Popular Videos.” Pretty minor things, but nice work overall!
Still a very nice
Cheers mate! I’m glad you liked the layout. I actually totally agree with your suggestions. I generally used the grid to keep everything in line, but little vertical alignments like you mentioned do add an extra something to any design.
Speaking of website designs I just finished redesigning my Portfolio Site and I incorporated some of the suggestions that you gave me a while back. It has a larger image featured on top with thumbnails below it as opposed to the previous design where it was just a tiled wall of thumbnail images.
I actually really like your new site! It’s minimal, but the large featured image really grabs your attention and shows of your crazy skills
. Plus it’s awesome to see all your PSDFAN tutorial outcomes in one place.
Thanks! I am really glad that you like it and it is nice to be able to see a larger image when you first come to the page. I think it also helps to break up the “About” and “Contact” sections into different areas instead of having everything on one page. I was thinking while I was uploading my images that the majority of these are actually the result of design tutorials!
Just a thought, but I’d definitely love to feature your work in our weekly artist feature series. You’ve got enough awesome pieces in your portfolio now to make a great feature.
Nice job with the tutorial. Grids and guides are something I just started to use.
Waiting for others tutorial. Really helpfull tutorial for newby like me. Thanks for share it!
Thanks man
nice work
Perfect Tom !
Thanks Naz!