PSDFan Extra

Design a Modern Portfolio Layout

Final Image

As always, this is the final image that we’ll be creating:

Step 1

Create a new document (1000X1000px).

Create a new layer called clouds, and download this great clouds brush. Then apply it (color: 8fc6ce) to the top of your canvas. Then reduce this layer’s opacity to 25%.

Step 2

Add a logo to the top left of your design. For my logo text I went with Ubuntu Tilting, 342d5b, 48pt, -50 kerning.

For my logo icon I used the icon that I’d made for the FanExtra coming network logo.

Step 3

Now add some menu text to the top right of your canvas. I used Ubuntu Tilting, 18pt, -50 kerning.

Step 4

Now type out a large, central headline under your logo. I used Ubuntu Tilting, 72pt, -50 kerning. It doesn’t matter what color you use.

Step 5

Now create a layer just above your heading layer called ‘text color’.

Firstly use a large, soft paintbrush with bright colors sampled from your logo icon to paint over your heading text.

Then use a ‘lines’ brush (you can find some of these at Brusheezy) and paint in white over your soft paintbrush areas.

You should end up with something that looks like this:

Step 6

Now with your ‘text colors’ layer selected, go to layer>create clipping mask. This will make sure that only the colors covering your heading text will show, effectively making your heading text bright and colorful.

Step 7

Now create a layer called ‘main background’. Use your marquee tool to create a selection to fill the bottom part of your canvas. Fill it with a linear gradient ranging from 8cc3cc to b0e2e9. Then apply a blending option (inner shadow) using the settings shown below:

Step 8

Paste in a screengrab of your featured design. I went with our new network page: FanExtra.

Then apply a stroke blending option (settings below):

Step 9

Use the custom shapes tool to create an arrow to the left and right of your featured design. I created white arrows and then reduced their opacity to 40%.

Step 10

Create a rounded rectangle (radius: 10px) to act as a button beneath your featured design. Then apply a gradient overlay ranging from 993a92 to 8d4ec5. Add some text to your button:

Step 11

Now paste a couple of icons into the bottom of your design. I used the following icons:

Calendar Icon

Support Woman Icon

Fill in the relevant text, and add a copyright notice.

And We’re Done!

You can view the final outcome below. I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and would love to hear your feedback on the techniques and outcome:

Download Source File for this Tutorial

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Good tutorial, very easy to follow and achieve a nice clean looking portfolio layout. The design is nicely spread out so everything can be seen clearly without it being cluttered. Thanks for the tutorial.

  2. xpmatrix says:

    Nice and Simple. Thanks

  3. hmmm, impressive, i like it :)

  4. I just can’t stop coming back to visit this tutorial, what a great design. Love the colors even though they are apart of the 7 deadly sin colors though – which doesn’t have have anything to do with this by the way! Just thought I should mention =]. The colors make me feel alive for some strange reason =]. Probably because I’m obsessed with light/tranquil-blue lol.

  5. Great design, im gona try this out

  6. Design is really nice simple and clean layout

  7. ken khero says:

    SIMPLE yet BUEATIFUL………….Loved every moment of it

  8. Amr Boghdady says:

    Wow, I love the end result !
    Definitely tweeting this !

  9. beautiful work in this tutorial.

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