PSDFan Extra

Create an Awesome Music Poster

It’s Been a While…

As many of you know I’ve had a few things going on that have prevented me from posting. To give you a quick explanation for the gap between posts:

I moved house
I got flu (badly)
I had a lot of university work to catch up on after the flu which had to take priority.

I felt really bad about not being able to post as I really care about PSDFAN and the great community here. However, things are thankfully back to normal now, so you can look forward to many great posts this month!

Final Image

This is the final image that we’ll be creating.

Step 1

Open up a new document 600X900px and fill it with 53157F.

Step 2

Create a new layer called ‘clouds’ and then go to filter>render>clouds. Then set your layer blend mode to ‘multiply’ and reduce it’s opacity to 50%.

Step 3

Now create a new layer called ‘bg gradient’. Create a rectangular selection at the bottom of your image and fill it with a black to white linear gradient. Then set the layer blend mode to ‘overlay’ and reduce it’s opacity to 40%.

Step 4

Now create a new layer called ‘box side’. Create a rectangular selection and fill it with 1C042D.

Step 5

Now create a new document (10X10px) and create a new layer called ‘circle’. Then use your circular marquee tool to create a white circle in the top right of your canvas (roughly 4X4px). Then hide your ‘background’ layer and go to edit>define pattern. Name your pattern ‘circle pattern’. Then return your your original document and apply a pattern overlay (using the settings shown below) to your ‘box side’ layer.

Step 6

Now create a blank layer beneath your ‘box side’ layer. Then merge your ‘box side’ layer down. This is to rasterize your pattern overlay, allowing you to distort your box side shape and the pattern. Then go to edit>distort and distort your box side to look like the image below:

Step 7

Then duplicate your box side layer and go to edit>transform>flip horizontal. Then move it to make up a cube shape. Then reduce the width of this duplicate shape, as well as reducing it’s brightness to -10.

Step 8

Now type out some text to fit over your cube shape.

Step 9

Then go to layer>rasterize>layer to rasterize your type. Then duplicate your text layer and hide the original. With your visible text layer selected go to edit>transform>distort and distort it to fit the side of your cube. Then make your invisible text layer visible and distort it to fit the other side of the cube.

Step 10

Now hide both text layers and go to edit>define pattern. Define your pattern as ‘text dots’. Then apply a pattern overlay to your text layers using the settings below. You may need to play around with the ‘scale’ amount until it looks good. Also be sure to make the ‘fill’ of your text layers have a 0% opacity.

Step 11

Now duplicate the layer containing the text on the left edge of your cube. On the bottom layer apply a 10px strength motion blur.

Step 12

Now hide all layers apart from the layers containing the shapes/text of the left side of your cube. Then go to layer>merge visible. Duplicate your merged layer, and then select the bottom layer and go to edit>transform>flip vertical. Then go to edit>transform>distort and distort your reflected cube side until it looks like the image below. Be sure to reduce the layer opacity to 30%.

Step 13

Repeat this technique on the right side of the cube.

Step 14

Now paste in a photo of a woman behind your cube shape.

Step 15

Now go to image>adjustments>desaturate to grayscale the woman’s photo. Then apply a color overlay and outer glow using the settings shown below:

Step 16

Now create a new layer above your woman layer but below your cube layer. Create an oval shape, and then fill it with a dark-medium purple gradient. Then use your circular marquee selection tool to delete part of your oval shape – leaving a kind of arch. Then go to edit>transform>rotate to fit this arch shape across the woman’s body. Finally, duplicate this layer and go to edit>transform>flip horizontal. Then use your lasso selection tool to delete parts of the arch that overlap the woman’s arms – so that it appears to weave around her limbs.

Step 17

Now apply the drop shadow settings shown below to the two arch shape layers. To apply the exact same settings to both layers right click on the layer style once applied to your first layer and click on ‘copy layer style’. Then right click on your second arch layer in your layer’s palette and click ‘paste layer style’.

Step 18

Now apply Photoshop custom shapes to your image, using basic white shapes at 10% opacity. Try to apply them fairly randomly around the edges of your woman.

Step 19

Now create a new layer beneath your custom shape layers called ‘brushes’. Then select a watercolor brush set such as this one and apply some very bright, large brush strokes to liven up your image.

Step 20

Now create a new layer called ‘circles’ below your watercolor brush layer. Create a circular selection using your marquee tool, and fill it with black, using a 10% opacity paintbrush. Then go to select>modify>contract and contract by 20px. Repeat this step several times to achieve something like the effect below:

Step 21

Now create some music note shapes using Photoshop custom shapes. Then use your lasso tool to cut off the top bar of the notes and then stretch the notes upwards to the top of your canvas.

And We’re Done!

I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and like the outcome. As always I’d appreciate seeing your efforts and hearing your opinions!

Download Source File for this Tutorial

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Pevec says:

    Nice tut :)

  2. sean says:

    it’s nice…but not that awesome you know…just my opinion though as a (6 years designer)

  3. beets says:

    Yay! Welcome back Tom! :D

    nice tutorial… i love the dangling notes, hehe

  4. Its nice to see you back Tom:)this site is starting to rock again:)another nice tutorial as always.!!!


  5. Tom says:

    Thanks guys, it’s great to be back, and I can’t wait to get some more tutorials written :) .

  6. beets says:

    you should squeeze out a couple extra when you have time, and keep them hidden – so if you disappear again, you can just hit publish, hehe ;)

  7. RUGRLN says:

    Beets got a good point ya knw!

  8. Easy to do, but nice outcome however, good job ;) And usually there is not so much free time to create extra articles :)

  9. mental eddy says:

    this poster combines some nice effects. good job ;-)
    only one small comment: the reflection looks a bit odd since the rectangle in the bottom resembles a horizon line of some sort as well. just my first impression.
    anyway, nice to see some psdfan activity again!

  10. iddaa says:

    Nice post.Thanks..

  11. Tom says:

    Beets: Yeah that is a good idea, but unfortunately lately I haven’t had any spare time to write tutorials to publish now, let alone to save up. Hopefully things will be improving now though, as I’m trying to devote more time to PSDFAN.

    Thanks to everyone else for the support and kind words :)

  12. Raul says:

    nice tuto..! i have a question.. what font u use??

  13. Jeffrey says:

    Very nice. Give me plenty of new ideas next time I have to do a flyer for something. Thank you.

  14. DEEJANAY;) says:

    my teacher made me do this at L.q.h.s:P
    it sucks!!!

  15. jamie says:

    i love it :D thank youuuuu :D

  16. Kakashi says:

    Damn nice tut, I followed every step, took me bout 2 hours :p ,, but damn got a nice result
    keep it up

  17. Tom says:

    Thanks guys!

    Kakashi: I’d love to see your result if you could post it here?

    Raul: The font is Helvetica Neue

  18. Brad says:

    Very nice tutorial. This taught me a lot about features I’ve never really utilized before.


  19. jamie says:

    what is the font you used in this tutorial



  20. Tom says:

    Brad: Great, that’s what I always aim for.

    Jamie: It’s Helvetica Neue

  21. Rafael R.P says:

    Thx for the tutorial!

  22. Erin says:

    I love it! Looks like something ministry of sound would do

  23. sky says:

    great… nice tut…

  24. jerlin says:

    it was realy wonderful

  25. huzz says:

    nice n Eazy tut..
    thanks….a lot

  26. nestor says:

    thank! very nice….hope you make more.

  27. John says:

    Love it!! Cheers!!!

  28. Michael says:

    This is 2 good 2 be true :X

  29. Miranda says:

    HELP !
    I’m stuck on step 5.
    Where it says that I need to use the circular marquee tool to make a circle, mine comes out looking like some sort of cross/plus sign kinda thing? Please, me!?

  30. stevan says:

    i can’t get past step 5… i can’t get the define pattern option available after the ‘circular marquee’ (which is the elliptic marquee tool, miranda)

  31. stevan says:

    i realized my mistake.. i’m not so good with photoshop, but thanks. nice tut.

  32. latoyya says:

    Stevan, what did you do to get the define pattern selected…thanks in advance

  33. Emile says:

    Nice tut, would have looked a better if the box was sitting on the ground tho.

  34. SprockBoy says:

    Amazing Tutorial!!! Thanks!

  35. What I say ? its Amazing !!!!

  36. Chris says:

    Somehow, i’m lost at step 10.
    How do you get the dots to appear trough the text?

  37. Ned Marr says:

    Never have seen a great tutorial like this….everything it’s great explained….thanx a lot for it!!!

  38. beggi says:

    where did you get that picture ?

  39. YUNGE says:

    Now hide all layers apart from the layers containing the shapes/text of the left side of your cube. Then go to layer>merge visible. Duplicate your merged layer, and then select the bottom layer and go to edit>transform>flip vertical. Then go to edit>transform>distort and distort your reflected cube side until it looks like the image below. Be sure to reduce the layer opacity to 30%.

    so what’s that mean?

  40. Nimbus Bolt says:

    Interesting.. I’m gonna try out some. Thanks for the help.

  41. Sippalicious says:

    For the people stuck on STEP #5:

    On your document, pick a spot and drag and you will see a circle (SELECTION SHAPED LIKE). Use the move tool to move your circle into the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER.

    *NOTE: Your circle selection will look like a + or X (do not panic!). Look in your LAYERS PALETTE and you will see your circle shape in the thumbnail view.

    Also, if the Edit>Define Pattern doest come up, check to make sure no shapes are still in selection mode. If they are, go to SELECT>DESELECT.

    In your original document: R-Click on the BOX SIDE LAYER and select BLENDING OPITIONS. Select PATTERN OVERLAY (The circle you created in the other document will be the last pattern).

    Continue with the tut..Hope I helped explain getting past STEP 5…

    Good Luck! :)

  42. Aiebee says:

    i saw ur tut i fell for it telling myself, “i must work something out…”

  43. Donna says:

    Thanks this tutorial has helped me loads. It has taken me a long time to get it just right I really struggled with the angles on the boxes. I have learnt so many things along the way it has been really useful.

  44. Hey thanks, this tutorial was awesome, just finished mine, done it a bit different though, like the colouring, picture and text but I am pleased with the end result, cheers =]

  45. MauRocks says:

    Tnks :)
    This tutorial is Awesome!!!!
    I make this one,
    She is Sara Tunes a famous singer
    of Colombia this is her new videoclip
    & this is her first song in english

  46. demara1 says:

    I thought it was a very nice tutorial, but mine never comes out like the original, although I did like my finished product!!! Keep up the good work.

  47. kenichifc says:

    thanks for tutorial. Love it, simple and effective :D

  48. Eddy Sarwono says:

    Thx tom.. nice tut. And I have dowloaded your custom brushes..

  49. Angea says:

    Can somebody Please Help Me Step 5 When I try to do the pattern it puts circles on the whole picture. And I only have my box layers selected What up with that Thanks

  50. Abolarinwa says:

    This tutorial is amazing. Thank you for this opportunity, this really help me and lead me in a right direction. thank you and God blessed.

  51. James says:

    Hi.. It’s very nice to create!! Thanks a Lot..Keep it up.

  52. leland says:

    cant get step 5 to work with cs5

  53. Lizzie says:

    I’m learning to use photoshop to make event posters and this tutorial was just fantastic – the steps were detailed, and having the screen shots to see at each step what I’m supposed to have made happen was brilliant.


  54. Ali says:

    wonderful seem. Thanks for tutorial

  55. Anelka says:

    I’m having problems with step 10 can’t seem to get the dots to appear trough the text. Don’t know why!

  56. Robby says:

    Thx a lot this was really helpful tutorial keEp it Up :)

  57. Touty says:

    niiiice … I like it ^_^
    Thank you … your way is eazy

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