PSDFan Extra

20+ Intriguing Works of Digital Art

Digital Art Inspiration

As we near a new year of creativity, it’s important to maintain our inspiration. Towards that end, I’ve compiled a list of 20+ super inspiring pieces of digital art. Each of these works is very unique, and intriguing, so should hopefully inspire you in your upcoming designs. Enjoy, and I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas!

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20+ Inspiring Works

Floating Forest


Float Mind

Some Things

Slick Corea Collab


A Certain Space

The Island

Got Air


Glance of Fluid Dreams


Take the Red Pill…

The Seaside


End of the World

Wonderland Deep Minds


Dee Space

Big Bang Typography

Fugitive Soul

Can’t Get Enough of This

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Dany says:

    Very inspiring, thanks! There are so beautiful artistic works in advertising too…
    I recommand:


  2. baratas says:

    Great list. Congratulations! Saúde e paz!

  3. Garcya says:

    Super cool list, indeed !

  4. Johnathan says:

    Really nice looking art I really like Fugitive Soul.

  5. jeprie says:

    Great collections. Love it.

  6. Insomnia is just captivating! That one is my favorite. Sweet collection Tom.

  7. Tom says:

    Thanks a lot for the comments guys! I’m glad that you found this list inspiring, and hope you all have a great new years eve!

  8. Some really nice inspiration, love the take the red pill and fugitive soul thanks for the inspiration great start to the new year.

  9. Stephan says:

    Explosive inspiring art work!

  10. Wow!!! Really inspiring. If be designed only 50% that will be an excellent banner of a website.

  11. Wow! Stunning collection Tom, I reckon the ‘Some Things’ poster is my personal favourite, but they’re all pretty insane!

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