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After 16 weeks of fantastic 30 minute redesigns, for some strange reason, this week we received no suggestions for this weeks redesign!
So… rather than a vote today, I’m using this post to gather suggestions for NEXT week’s redesign. If you would like a completely FREE redesign and analysis of your site, simply leave a comment to this post with your websites address.
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
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Wow, I’d like to take advantage of this, but I’m taking my site down for a bit so that I can relaunch near the end of the year with a design blog instead of what I have now.
So instead I’ll just say this is a great idea, and I could still benefit from the analysis, if nothing else.
Take care!
I’m not saying there is anything wrong with your PSDFAN design Tom, i think its spot on. But If you can’t get a site, try and see what you can do to your own site in 30 mins? I’d love to see what you can come up with
@ Shaw I think that’s a great idea.
OR Tom you could do redesign of a popular web site or blog. You could also create a normal template for a company.
Hi Tom,
This sounds like a really awesome offer and I’d like to have it!
My site is running a bit slow due to images and maybe my wordpress theme, so any tips would be much appreciated!
My site: http://www.scottphotographics.com
I would love to see 30 min redesign for my blog I really need to fix up the sidebar I’m using word press so count me in for a redesign.
I’d love to have your take on my site. My strengths are admittedly more on the coding side than the visual design side, so anything to help spiff up the look and functionality of the site would be great!
I’ve really enjoyed the series and feel like I’m learning a lot from it!
I’d love to see a redesign of my personal website, I have abandoned it for about 4 years so it looks pretty old.
Hi Tom,
Don’t take me wrong but what about this site?
These guy really need a hand with the design, I mean, in this field is something unknow for them.
Hi Tom,
This sounds like a really awesome offer and I’d like to have it!
Thanks for all the great suggestions, I’ll definitely include them in the poll on Thursday.
Eduardo: I’m not sure I feel right about accepting your suggestion. I appreciate your idea, but firstly it’s not your own site, and secondly it is far beyond needing a redesign (they kind of need to start from scratch). I’d just prefer to redesign one of my visitor’s websites who are keen for a new look.
Shaw/Ceane: Good idea! However, I’ve actually redesigned PSDFAN already as part of our new network. You can get a sneak preview before the launch if you sign up here: http://www.fanextra.com
I’m currently redoing the website for my employer (Des Moines University) and would love some input and ideas!
hook me up! i need a complete makeover… oh yeah, and my site could use some work, too…
Hi Tom! You can count with me! Every week! hahaha
but now I think you have enough candidates.
waiting for the next week. Cheers
Im new to web design and im building my own website right now…Im redesigning my website’s index because of the many articles i have found here and sites alike (and some bugs)…I would like you to take a loot at my site…I would appreciate some feedback from someone with your skills! I have followed your site from long time ago, cuz its great!
Thanks, Tom!
I would still love to see our site redesigned. I am more than willing to convert the PSD to HTML and make it available to all to benefit from. The site is functional but looks dated now. I can code no problem but my art skills are limited.
Hi Tom,
No problems I’ve got it, it’s seen you have so many options for the next week but, I’ve been doing a new design for my site but I don’t like the nav menu. http://www.eperez.net/web3/
Hi Tom
My site is http://www.vtipalek.sk.
Thank You
Running on a hand-me-down site that I fell into a couple years ago. I’m anxiously looking to redo the site, go from a table layout (Yuk!) to something more modern.
Please consider http://www.srcar.org/ for your next 30 min redesign.
Is this 30 min redesign suggestion is till open. I know I stumbled upon on this when I was searching for website redesign tips. I am looking for suggestion to redesign my website.
Thank You