PSDFan Extra

30 Minute Redesigns – Suggestions Needed!

30 Minute Redesigns

After 8 weeks of fantastic 30 minute redesigns, for some strange reason, this week we received no suggestions for this weeks redesign!

So… rather than a vote today, I’m using this post to gather suggestions for NEXT week’s redesign. If you would like a completely FREE redesign and analysis of your site, simply leave a comment to this post with your websites address.

So What About This Saturday?

As I have no sites to redesign, I’ll be making a post I’ve been making to publish for some time. I’ll be creating a ‘contents’ type page for all of the redesigns. Whenever I publish a new redesign, I’ll add it to this page, so that it will act as an archive for all redesigns, and will be a way to quickly browse through them. I’d love to know if you guys are interested in this and think it’s a good idea or not.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Stefan says:

    Hi Tom. That´s too bad that you didn´t receive any suggestions. I really enjoy your weekly redesigns. :) Maybe you are interested to show your talent next week on a completely different page (product page for medical devices) which I created about a year ago.
    I think the website is not too bad but something is missing and I weren´t satisfied with it.
    Greetings from Germany!

  2. I suggest you to redesign this Yoga Studio site I’ve made a long time ago in Flash and now it need a redesign.


  3. The website address is:


  4. Nick Young says:

    Looking forward to this Sat. post, sounds interesting.

    I would still like to see redesigned. I currently run and maintain it. I am a web developer, but no designer. What takes you 30 mins would probably take me a good few hours.

    Anyway, I have been looking at giving the website an overhaul for a while. I think it needs a clearer, cleaner and more modern look and feel. I am open to a radical change or just minor and simple changes, basically any suggestions that improve it. I use Drupal with it so if chosen, I would, if you would allow, convert the PSD to HTML and then to Drupal. All code would then be made available to all who want it.


  5. Damon says:

    I would love to see what you could do with

    This was my first ever design to go live a few years back. It needs a bit of an update and inspiration has not struck as of yet. I would also like to see what you can do with a gaming themed site, so far all I have seen is sites for businesses and freelancers.


  6. Can you look for my rededign =) i like it but it gives no conversion…

  7. Sameera says:


    My personal blog on Software Dev :)

    It has serious branding issues :)
    Anything you can come up with would be appreciated.

  8. Hugolatra says:

    I´d like to propose this site

    Its educational, the idea is get from there small ideas and activities for the class room.

  9. Hans says:

    I’m a fan of your 30 minutes redesigns. How do you get so quick the inspiration? :)

  10. Hans says:

    This is a redesign suggestion:

  11. Koos says:

    A dutch drivingschool needs a redesigned website

  12. dee says:

    my site sorely needs a redesign :( Even a look over and suggestions on how to make it better..


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