PSDFan Extra

35 Incredibly Creative Character Designs

35 Incredibly Creative Character Designs

Character design is a complex process. The designer must capture the very essence of their character through a visual medium.

Character design can range from the basic sketch process, to complex digital paintings, animations and 3d concepts.

Today we’ve compiled 35 incredibly creative character designs to help inspire you:

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Bronson says:

    Awesome collection that showcases some really mad skills – BambinoMonkey is definitely my favourite.

  2. Lena Tailor says:

    This is amazing…… What a beautiful character designs….

    Thanks for sharing..

  3. parthu says:


  4. Sushimoron says:

    Very inspiring! :D imma bookmark yeh. :)

  5. Very creative works. Truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing this nice post. :)

  6. These are awesome, nice post Tom, love the 3d characters.

  7. Johnson Koh says:

    The top series from Mark looks really cool!

  8. Vim says:

    Really nice collection of 3d images, very creative and inspirational, really like the food gang images. Thanks Tom

  9. Great post, these characters are incredible. So creative and inspiring. Really like the style of the hidden moves designs.

  10. Tom says:

    Thanks for all the awesome comments everyone!

    I’m really glad you all enjoyed the post so much :) .

  11. Sam says:

    How can I get in contact with one of the designers to create a character for me?

  12. sonman says:

    beautifully designed ….

  13. Sudeep says:

    very nice images… really impressive and nice job.. keep updating…

  14. Wow! awesome collection. Really great Creative Character Designs. Thank you very much for share

  15. Excellent Collection. Thanks For Sharing.

  16. I always like the creative design rather than the regular graphics works. Nice collection.

  17. sam says:

    didnt see how half of those generic female characters were “incredibly creative”.
    most of the others had original elements

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