PSDFan Extra

50 Beautiful Polaroid Shots

Low Tech Beauty

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always had a thing for the simple elegance of polaroid pictures. To me they seem to capture beauty in it’s rawest form, and it can be nice to get away from all the 10 mega pixel digital cameras and endless Photoshop techniques once in a while.

Hopefully these photos will inspire you to think outside of the box in your next design. At very least I hope that you’ll enjoy looking at them.

(Click on images for source)

Bring on the Pics!

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About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Great collection for a post. And original too, I can’t remember seeing one like this in a while. Just Stumbled it and submitted to DesignBump. I like seeing you branch out from just tutorials.



  2. liz says:

    man, im gonna miss you polaroids!

  3. beets says:

    Great collection Tom – thanks :)

    i can’t help but wonder how some of these were done with just a polaroid though, especially the double-exposures… amazing.

  4. Ross says:

    Great list Tom, very original, haven’t seen many polaroid shots as cool as these:) dugg!

  5. Mostly Lisa says:

    really inspirational. i love the mix of traditional and weird and wacky. i miss poloaroids.

  6. Philippe Roy says:

    Cool series! If you like polaroids, on my last trip to the Guggenheim I picked up this awesome book “The Polaroid Book”. Also a very, very cool collection of polaroids from all over.

  7. liam says:

    Great collection man, love the Eiffel Tower one the most, looks really good. And yeah I agree with Ross, very original collection. Nice one.

  8. Tom says:

    Thanks guys! It was nice to post something showcasing a lesser appreciated form of art. I’ve always loved polaroids, and find these pieces really inspirational.

  9. LimonVerde says:

    Ohh it is so delicious looking to this wonderful “dreamy colored” photos. And knowing they are not digitialy, it makes them more special. Great work.

  10. Tom says:

    I agree, some of them are really dreamy looking. Very peaceful.

  11. Mabuc says:

    Nice list here, just wondering if this is originaly shot by a camera or their are some parts edited by photoshop, because the title text has “shot”, just wondering but you have a good post here which I really love to see..

  12. Anne says:

    thank you so much for putting this list together, as a full-time polaroid evangelist it makes me ever so happy. the fact that you included 2 of my shots is an unexpected treat :)

  13. Camden Hardy says:

    Fantastic set of images. Makes me proud to walk around town with my Polaroid 210 Land Camera around my neck!

  14. Josh says:

    A lovely collection, some stunning shots :-)

  15. Chris says:

    Thank you for the inspiration.

    When i take a look at the 5th picture i decided to write a tutorial about it for my new website.

    Hope you guys can use it.

    Thank you,

  16. Andi says:

    This inspires me to get my camera out and start snapping…Awesome

  17. Andi says:

    These pics are inspriational…I’m going to get my camera out.

  18. These are really fantastic, we will be tweeting your link to all our followers soon. Have you considered setting up a Polaroid Studio gallery ( ? I bet you these would win site of the week!

  19. Bim says:

    Most are superb. Nice effect with the polaroids. Some of these are rubbish… but all photos are subjective… I’ll be uploading some polaroids in a week or two. Still got a bit of film yet. Looking forward to the effects

  20. Stephen Hill says:

    I’m wondering… How many of these are actual polaroid scans rather than a digital photo dressed up in photoshop?

  21. Kesti says:

    I wish I had all of the polaroid Pics of me Naked when I was young.
    My husband took them. I cut them up. DUH!

    I love these pictures…brought back memories. Thanks, Kes

  22. Veri ice, vey nostalgic

  23. topper says:

    this is the most beautiful collection I have ever seen

  24. Good collection Tom!

    wadegriffith’s property shot is very inspiring.

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