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Fire in Digital Art: Inspiration & Tutorials

Fire Used in Digital Art

Fire is perfect for use in a visual medium as it’s incredibly intense and colorful. Many digital artist’s choose to integrate fire into their work for this very purpose, often giving life and energy to otherwise bland works.

The following works are anything but bland – we hope that you’re inspired by these 20 great examples of fire art!

Photoshop Fire Tutorials

The following tutorials all teach you great ways to integrate fire effects into your work. The posts are organized into categories for easier browsing.

Fire Text Effects

The following tutorials teach you how to integrate fire into your text. This is sure to make your words pop!

Scorching Fire Text

Text on Fire Effect

Creating a Unique Burning Text Effect

Creating Fire From Scratch

The following tutorials teach you how to create a fire effect from scratch, without the use of photos:

Firefish Photoshop Tutorial

Ring of Fire Tutorial

Realistic Fire Effect

Fire in Photo Manipulation

Photos and images of fire can be used as part of photo manipulations. These great tutorials show you how to integrate images of fire into your work:

How to Create a Flying Land Illustration on Fire

Fire Brushes (Video Tutorial)

Adding Fire to Create a Realistic Flaming Guitar

Create a Fiery Face Explosion

Creating Medusa With Photo Manipulation

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Cool.
    Thanks for featuring my fire wolf poster.

  2. Hi Buddy!!!

    This is really making good fire movie feeling…ya… thanks many.. for sharing…. meet again,.,,,

  3. Great examples of fire in digital art. I especially like the first few examples and really makes me want to try doing some of my own. It’s a good idea that you included fire tutorials as well. Can’t wait for the next collection of art. Thanks for sharing.

  4. great examples of the fire element, some great inspiration here, gives a warm feeling to a cold morning. are we going to be seeing some posts on water manipulated images?

  5. ProCompu says:

    Great collection. Achieving a good fire effect is a challenge, but these examples make it seem easy.

  6. Dejo says:

    Very cool and hot!

  7. reymark says:

    cool!!! well done!

  8. damn, where’s Firefox logo?:D
    srsly: amazing collection, good job!

  9. Hansam says:

    awesome…cant wait to have my own version…thanks
    it’s really nice!!!

  10. ik says:

    now thats called photography
    great collection

  11. Eric Vasquez says:

    Just stumbled across this on the website and noticed my work up top! Thanks for including this piece! It remains one of my most popular designs to this day.

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