PSDFan Extra

Pixeno Hosting Contest Winners

Pixeno Hosting Contest Winners

We recently hosted a Win a Pixeno 1 Year Hosting Plan. After receiving lots of wonderful comments it’s time to reveal the winner!

The Winner

The winners of the Pixeno hosting giveaway are:

  • Liam
  • Su Hall

Congratulations to the winners! You will be receiving an email with details of how to obtain your Pixeno hosting packages soon!

Thanks go to Pixeno for such a fantastic giveway!

Interested in Sponsoring a PSD.FanExtra Contest?

We offer a limited number of contests available to sponsor each month, and only feature services/companies that we feel are highly relevant and quality for our audience. Each review includes a review of the prize offered, and must be something we know our readers will love.

  • If you would like to submit your site, product or service for consideration for a contest, please contact us today.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Su Hall says:

    Woo-hoo! LOL Thank you!

  2. Su Hall says:

    Hi! No, I haven’t. I would love it if you could help. Thanks, Tom!


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