PSDFan Extra

Andre Meca: Poster Book

Andre Meca Poster Book

Andre Meca, the talented artist behind our Texture Thursdays series has released his own Poster Book. The book compiles several of his best works into a creative fold out book.

I hope that you’ll let Andre know what you think of his work. You can view the entire book in full-screen slideshow mode here.

About the Author:

Andre is a talented photographer and artist. You can see more of his work at his DeviantArt Page or Behance Page.

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  1. Imon says:

    wow great collection, i really love the style used on the poster

  2. Autonomy says:

    Andre, this is great! Thanks for the slide show, I’m going to pass it around.

  3. great collection of images, did you create these retro effects yourself, i really like the style of textures used combined with poster/book effect.

  4. Johnson Koh says:

    This is an excellent idea Andre! Simple and intelligent.

  5. Andre Meca says:

    Hi, thank you all for the kind words! :)

    @Vim yes i did create all these retro effects

    and bytheway wallpapers & case-study comming soon!

    Andre Meca

  6. Tom says:

    I agree with everyone, I really love this project. I can’t wait to see your upcoming wallpapers and case-study Andre! :)

  7. dp{i} says:

    well done! i like this minimalistic retro stype!

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