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Beautiful Water-Themed Graphic Design Projects

Beautiful Water-Themed Graphic Design Projects

Today we’ve compiled some inspiring graphic design projects utilizing water. Each project takes a highly unique approach, and really shows what can be done with the subject matter:

Alexandra Zaharova & Ilya Plotnikov – Splashes

This great design project constructs various objects out of water splashes. This effect is actually very difficult to do well, and so I have the upmost respect for these artists:

Alena Nikiforova

This photography project really emphasizes the substance of water by coloring it with dye and enhancing it on Photoshop. The effect is a project rich in textures and colors:

Mark Mawson – Underwater Dance

I love this photography project. The lighting and color of these photos is really impactful. The floating figures accentuate the fluidity of water, and create an atmosphere that appears devoid of any kind of gravity:

Wojciech Pijecki – Rites of Water

This is one of my favorite ever typography projects. The attention to detail is stunning, and I love how the artist has so accurately captured the texture of water.

YouWorkForThem – Typography in Water

This project is really interesting. The artist takes some fairly basic typography, and then photographs water lapping over it. This adds so much to the typography, really giving it extra depth and detail:

Peter Jaworowski – Barcardi Shoot & Fly

This is a great example of water being used in product advertising. This really shows how water can be manipulated. The artist has artfully wrapped the streams of water around the centrally positioned product, and even manipulated it to form the shape of a dragon:

Joseph Tremblay – VOSS

Like with the Barcardi advert, I love how the artist has manipulated water so artfully. He has moulded various photos of water perfectly to form the shape of a woman, and given added emphasis to his piece by including extra splashes of water:

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Lj says:

    Fantastic images. Thanks for posting this one~

  2. very nice picture. Keep posting

  3. buzz says:

    Thats wonderful images, i like those splash water graphics. Amazing

  4. Amazing collection of water based images. My favourite has to be the Bacardi advert as it really stands out and I really like the way the designer has created a dragon from water to make it look even more impressive.

  5. Very cool roundup… thanks for sharing these inspiring photos!

    Those first ones remind me of this one I did for a client:

  6. Herbug says:

    Great collection, keep up the good work!

  7. aik sai says:

    how to created water design. u can give me any idea. please .i want to created.

  8. Kate says:

    The question everyone should be asking here (especially if you are a designer)…How the hell did they do that??!! I’ve been experimenting with water in PSD following as many tutorials as I can, but most tuts are very weak. Amateurish. Of course, my end results reflected the tuts.

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