PSDFan Extra


Learn Design Socially and Effortlessly

Learn Design Socially and Effortlessly

By Tom Ross, 29th September, 2010, 5 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

We can get most of our design inspiration and learning through our online social circle, without spending ours trawling galleries. Why simply absorb information when you can interact with one another, and learn through discussion?


Thursday Theory: The Importance of Perspective and Depth in Your Designs

Thursday Theory: The Importance of Perspective and Depth in Your Designs

By Tom Ross, 3rd March, 2011, 3 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Perspective and depth are key parts of graphic design, yet are often overlooked within community discussions. Today we look at just what is so great about implementing them into your work, and how you can achieve great perspective/depth in your own designs.


Thursday Theory: The Pros & Cons of Big Website Headlines

Thursday Theory: The Pros & Cons of Big Website Headlines

By Tom Ross, 17th March, 2011, 3 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Large website headlines are right on trend at the moment. However, there are both pros and cons to using them. We analyze what those are today, and look at when large headlines are appropriate to use.


Thursday Theory: Using Movies as Design Inspiration

Thursday Theory: Using Movies as Design Inspiration

By Tom Ross, 24th February, 2011, 1 Comment

(Articles - Theory)

Movies can provide great inspiration for digital design. As a movie fan I often draw inspiration from the mis-en-scene, lighting and more of my favorite scenes and translate this to my graphic design work. Learn how you can do the same!


Ask PSD.FanExtra Episode #1

Ask PSD.FanExtra Episode #1

By Tom Ross, 16th June, 2011, 1 Comment

(Articles - Theory)

Get involved in our new post series ‘Ask PSD.FanExtra’. Each week I’ll be taking questions from our readers, and will answer my favorites the following week. So if you have a design related question leave a comment today!


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.