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Members Area Tutorial: Photo Manipulate a Complex Surrogate Scene

Members Area Tutorial: Photo Manipulate a Complex Surrogate Scene

In this tutorial we are going to create a futuristic operation theater where surrogates are repaired. In this scene a surrogate is hung by few high power cords attached to it’s body and a doctor is seen close to the scene noting down some observations standing near the surgical tools and lab apparatus. A futuristic transparent monitor located by some distance from the scene displays some tech. signs.

With this tutorial we are going to cover the topics like Creating Realistic Glass using Blending Options, Creating Patterns using texture images, Texturing, Digital Painting and many more interesting techniques.

Final Image

As always, this is the final image that we’ll be creating:

Resources Used In This Tutorial

Step 1

In this step we are going to cut the image of the women for our scene without losing any details.

1) Import the image of the women into Photoshop and rotate it in the below shown fashion.

2) Now create a mask around the women using the Pen Tool (P). Let the mask around the hair be rough.

3) With the mask selected around the women open the Refine Edge option and set Edge Detection Radius=2.1px, smooth=7, Contrast=23%. Then by using the Refine Radius Tool paint along the edges of the hair and press OK to create a mask around the women.

4) Now by using the mask separate the selection into a new layer.

Step 2

In this scene the women is hung by some power cords, so we need to adjust lower body of the women to match the gravitational force of the scene.

1) Separate the lower body of the women into a new layer.

2) Now by using the Move Tool (V) tilt the lower body as shown.

3) Create a new layer below the women layer and fill in the gap with white color.

4) Using the Soft Round Brush erase the hard edges of the women to blend perfectly.

5) Now merge all the layers and import the women on to the working canvas of dimensions Width=2560px and Height=1440px.

That’s the end of the preview!

About the Author:

I'm a freelance graphics designer and the Founder of Zillionarts and ZillionArts Workshop. Here we ought to provide the best training on Digital Painting and Visual Effects host by the experienced pros from the Hollywood and Gaming Industry. I work constantly to explore more possibilities and techniques to bring my imaginary worlds to live. You can follow me on Deviantart.

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