PSDFan Extra

Summer at PSDFAN

Summer’s Here!

Well it looks like Summer is finally here! The sun is out, the parks are full, and best of all exams are over!

Many of you may have been wondering why I’ve failed to update much lately. I’ve actually been sitting my finals, and subsequently have had pretty much zero time for web/design related stuff. This has been a real pain, as I hate neglecting the site, not responding to all comments and so on…

As I run PSDFAN myself personal responsibilities will always impact upon the site, but I’m trying to reduce these disturbances as I grow the site and bringing in more and more guest authors. However, now that I’m on Summer break (until October!), I have four months to improve things at PSDFAN. There is a lot that I’ve been wanting to do with the site but until now haven’t had a chance. If you remember, when I first launched last summer, I was updating with new tutorials every couple of days, and received a lot of good feedback about this. Now I hope to do the same thing this summer!

Before this post gets too lengthy, I’ll provide you with a list of my aims for PSDFAN over the summer:

- FAR more posting – I’ll be publishing several great tutorials each week without fail. I’ve also got some fantastic contests lined up, some high-quality guest tutorials, and some other posts that I’m keeping a secret for now, but am very excited about
- A big redesign. As PSDFAN is approaching it’s first birthday I thought that this would be a good time for an overhaul of the current design. This design has served the site well, but in an effort to take things to the next level PSDFAN v.3 will see many great improvements, hopefully making your time on the site more enjoyable.
- A new members area. The members area has been a part of the site that I’ve simply not had time to completely focus on up to now. Despite this, it’s been well received by all of you. However, I’ll be relaunching this soon, seeing many more community features, and really pushing this part of the website.
- A larger community. Now that I have some spare time, I’m going to be pouring a lot of effort into growing the community here. I’m incredibly happy with the current community, and truly see it as one of the best in the industry. However, I’m going to be encouraging more discussions, responding to all comments and drawing in new visitors each and every day.
- A few surprises. Hopefully these previous points will be good news for you all, but I do have several other features that I’ll be bringing in over summer. Unfortunately you’ll just have to wait and see what these entail. They’re going to be awesome though!

Thanks for your ongoing support, and I hope that you’ll stick with the site now that we’re taking it to the next level. To keep up with all our updates and growth please subscribe to our feed today.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Josh says:

    Hope your finals have gone okay :-) Looking forward to some good updates :D

  2. Yes! Great addition Tom ;)

    and Even More Textures ;)

  3. NEC says:

    Looking forward to all that. :)

  4. Tom says:

    Cheers guys :)

    Andre: Keep them coming mate :) I love your textures!

  5. orphicpixel says:

    looking forward… hope your exam is quite well

  6. Matt Powers says:

    I’m digging the enthusiasm for the second year! Keep up the good work, and thanks for everything thus far.

  7. Adam says:

    I think these changes are worthwhile – afterall you get a good amount of readers on this site. I agree about the community, everyone likes to get involved.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. hey, It’s been awhile since I have visited you blog.. I like the new look of it, and the members area.

    Keep up the good work :)

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